Page 13 of Mistletoe Kisses

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He dipped his head and trailed his lips up the column of my neck before I felt his lips kiss against the arch of my shoulder.

“You taste delicious,” he whispered in my ear before I felt him suck my earlobe into his mouth.

“Do you, uh . . . Fuck.” I was stammering now but when I felt his tongue peek out and lick up my throat I was done for. “Do you want anything to drink?”

His hands wrapped around my waist before he stepped forward and pressed me harder against the door. He reached up and grasped my breasts and roughly kneaded them.

“Does it feel like I want a drink?” he asked. He rocked his hardness into me from behind and I knew that I was so fucking screwed with this man.

If he could make me feel like this fully clothed, I knew that one night with him was nowhere close to ever being enough.

He leaned his hand up and grasped my chin before turning my face to meet his.

“If you don’t stop me now, I’m going to take you into your bedroom and worship this body that’s been plaguing me for too damn fucking long.”

Fuck me. Straight to the point.

“I want you,” I whispered.

I gasped when he grabbed me by my upper arms and spun me roughly to face him before he slammed me back against the door and placed his lips down on mine.

He thrust his tongue into my mouth before I felt him reach down and grasp my thighs. He roughly parted my legs before I felt him lift me by my hips.

I grabbed hold of his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his hips. I moaned when I felt him rock against me, feeling him so much more in this position. I grabbed the collar of his jacket and pushed it back, smiling against his lips when I felt him shrug his shoulders to pull it off. He threw it to the floor before I felt him grasp the bottom of my jacket against the door.

I quickly did the same with my own jacket, relieved when he grabbed it and tugged it down over my arms. I grabbed it from him and threw it over his shoulder, giggling when he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked. “Unless you want me to . . .” He gestured his head to the door before giving me one of his sexy grins.

“First door on the left,” I whispered before I bent my head and kissed behind his ear.

He stepped back, wobbling when I tugged on his earlobe with my teeth.

“Ah, shit,” he gritted out before I felt him tighten his arm around my waist. He walked straight to my door, stopping at it to reach down and grasp the handle. He huffed after a moment when he couldn’t grab it.

“Do you need help finding the knob?” I giggled against his neck, unable to resist from taunting him.

“I got it.” Seconds later, he pushed the door open before he marched us through the doorway and stopped at the bottom of the bed. He lowered me down to the floor, chuckling when my heels fell off before my feet could touch the carpet.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and slowly turned us before giving him a gentle shove until he was sitting on the end of my bed. I smiled when he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. He parted his legs and pulled me closer until I was standing between his legs.

Looking down at him, I knew that he had been with many women and I knew that there was a chance that I would never measure up to them. They were beautiful, glamorous, and way more experienced than I was sexually. As I looked down at him, loving the way he looked up at me, I knew that right here, right now, they no longer existed for him. He looked at me like I was the only one for him and I loved the way that made me feel.

I reached down and grasped the hem of my dress before I slowly peeled it up my body.

Every inch of skin that was exposed, it felt like his eyes were burning into me and it was a burn that I think I was more than happy to blaze in.



Watching her pull that sinful as fuck dress up her long body was making me hard as hell. This woman had been making me sexually frustrated daily for a while but as she revealed her body to me—the body that I had been obsessing over in my shower fantasies—I knew that one night of her was never going to be anywhere fucking close to enough.

She had burned me and it was a burn that I knew I was never going to soothe if we weren’t together.

She pulled the dress over her head, her hair falling down her back as she tossed it aside on the floor.

I looked down and grasped her hips, loving the sight of her in the lingerie. She was lit up in the light from the doorway and it was enough to ruin any fantasy I may have had of her. The real deal was more fucking sexier than anything I could have ever predicted. She was wearing the sexiest fucking white bra and matching boy shorts. It had lace trim around the cups that led to the sexiest fucking cleavage I’d ever seen.
