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"Do you? Do you know? I'm only fucking 19, man! How the fuck am I going to live normally now?"

"Look, I had to adjust to trauma when I was 17. I'm 28 now and still trying to adjust. It gets easier over time, Delilah."

"I am not you. We don't have the same fucking mentality, dude," I snapped back in anger. He looked at me with defeat in his eyes. "Fuck you, Issac. Fuck you. I don't need this fucking phone or your fucking hush money, which I don't even know where it went, so just fuck off," I said, throwing the phone he gave me, getting out of the truck, and slamming the door shut. More tears streamed down my face. I started walking towards the doors that led to my apartment. I spun to look, and Issac was still sitting there. I turned back and kept walking to my apartment.


There was a knock on the door. I shot up and looked around nervously.

"Del? Are you home?" I heard Susie ask through the door. Thank God it was her. I got up and wrapped a blanket around myself. I walked to the door and unlocked it, letting her in. "Hey darling, are you okay?" She asked, walking in. I turned around to look at her. Her face widened.

"I'm okay now," I answered.

"Jesus Christ, what happened?!" she said, walking me over to my couch and sitting me down with her. I had to think of a quick lie.

"I uh, I was robbed," I lied.

"Jesus, girl. That's why you weren't answering your phone. You didn't show up at work yesterday and today, so I got worried," she said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. I should've come down and told you," I said, looking at her.

"No, don't you apologize. Did you contact the police?" She asked.

"Yep," I lied again. She nodded her head.

"Good. I hope they catch the bastard!" She said, rubbing my back. I jumped in pain at her touch, and the blanket slid down my shoulder. She saw my gunshot wound. "He fucking shot you?!" she yelled. Fuck, now what am I gonna say?

"Uh yeah, but it's healing quickly, though," I said, giving her a slight smile. She looked at me in shock. My shoulder was more healed than the rest of my injuries. She then gave me a worried look.

"Del. You can tell me anything, you know that. You don't need to hide things from me," she said, comforting me.

"I know," I said, giving her another slight smile. I leaned onto my shoulder and sat in the silence.

One Month Later

I haven't seen or heard from them. Issac or anyone in his crew. I had my stitches taken out, and everything is healing nicely. I have nightmares about Markus. I still flinch at things, and I'm a little paranoid. I've returned to work, and Susie has cared for me; she's the absolute best. But lately, I think I need to get away for a week.

"Hey, Susie?" I asked while taking inventory of the store's items.

"Yes, doll?" She asked, popping up from moving things around on the floor.

"Could I take tomorrow to next Tuesday off? I'm thinking about seeing my parents," I asked.

"Absolutely! On one condition," she grinned. I tilted my head at her.


"Bring me back some bluebonnets," she smiled.

"I'll try to keep them alive on my way back," I laughed. I felt my stomach rumble. "You hungry?" I asked Susie. She looked at her watch and looked back at me.

"Always, whatcha feeling?" She asked, walking over to the counter.

"Mexican," I grinned. She smiled and grabbed the shop phone. She placed our order; they said it would be about 15 minutes. Perfect. I'll walk. It's still light out, and I need some fresh air. I also felt good today. I was wearing a white tank top with a long tan sweater that was open in the front. I wore a pair of light blue skinny jeans and knee-high brown boots.

"Alright, I'll be back," I said to Susie. She tried handing me her debit card. "No, no. I got it; you're giving me a week off."

"I'll pay you back in your check then," she giggled. I shook my head and walked out of the door. The air was perfect. We're just beginning to fall here, and I couldn't be happier. Fall is my favorite season.
