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"No! Please wait in here," I kind of begged. He turned around and looked at me.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded my head and swayed my legs off the bed. I looked down at them and saw them wrapped with gauze and bandages. I gently touched it. "Shit, we should get those changed. I'll get my aunt."

"No. It's okay. You can do it," I said, still staring at the bandages. I heard him turn and walk toward the bathroom. He came out and kneeled in front of me. He grabbed my knee and rubbed it gently.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded, and he held a pair of scissors and started cutting the old bandages off. He unwrapped it slowly, throwing the bloody gauze and dressing in the garbage. He walked into the bathroom and wet a washcloth. He came back out. He grabbed the side of my thigh with one hand and started patting my stitches, cleaning them up. Then I squeezed my eyes and clenched my jaw in pain. He grabbed a large piece of gaze, spread ointment on it, and then placed it on my thigh.

He then grabbed bandages, wrapped them around my thigh, and ensured they wouldn't move under my clothes. "There ya go," he said, smiling at me. I slowly stood up, grabbed the bags of clothes, and walked to the bathroom. I left the door cracked because I was kind of nervous.

I looked through the bags, and there were so many comfy-looking things. All black, I pulled out a bra and a pair of panties. I gently slipped them on. I continued to look through the bags. I found a couple of yoga pants and slipped on those. Then I found a hoodie that said 'Raven's & Son's. I smiled a little and put it on. It was so comfortable. Then I saw a box of shoes. I opened it, and it was a pair of combat boots. I threw my hair into a bun.

After I got dressed, I walked out of the bathroom. Issac was sitting on his bed. He looked at me and smiled.

"Looking more alive every second," he chuckled, standing up. "Come with me," he said, walking towards the door. We walked out of his bedroom and around a corner to stairs that led down into a bar area. There were five or six guys in the area. "Uh, hold up one sec. Stay here for a minute. I need to talk to my guys. I'll be back," he said, turning around. I just nodded my head. Cause what else would I do? I'm in an unfamiliar place with people I don't know. This shit doesn't seem real. As Issac got to the bar area, the guys looked at him. They didn't notice me kind of hiding on the top stair. Issac cleared his throat.

"An incident happened last night involving Markus. I'm not going into details, but this is all you need to know," Issac said, throwing a piece of fabric on a table in front of him.

The guys gasped, and some ran their hands through their hair.

"Fuck, bro," one of them said. Issac looked around.

"So, as of right now, we don't have a road captain, and as you guys know, I'm running this shit because my brother is MIA again. Nothing new. So let me figure shit out, and we'll have a vote soon," Issac said, rubbing the back of his neck. He sighed and went to walk up the stairs.

"Issac, '' one guy said, standing up. Issac turned his head towards him. "Where'd that chick go you brought in last night? She's not in your room cause you don't let any chick's in there. So where is she?" He asked, crossing his arms. What? Doesn't he let girls in his room? The fuck?

"Uh, she stayed the night in my room," he said with a slight smile. All the guy's eyebrows raised. Some of them laughed.

"Shit, bro. She looked fucked up, though. Did you take care of her?" Another asked.

"Yup. I'm about to go get her so all of you can fuck off," Issac said, walking up the stairs. The guys went back to what they were doing. I tried to look like I wasn't listening to that entire conversation. Issac reached the top step.

"Alright, I just had to take care of some things. You good?" He asked. I nodded my head and gave him a slight smile. He smiled back. "Hungry?" He asked, putting his hand out for me to grab.

"Uh, kinda," I said, nervous. He smiled as I put my hand in his. He led me down the stairs and into the bar area. All the guys went silent. They stared at me as Issac walked me through the place and to a door. He opened it and led me into a garage area. Where old cars and bikes were being worked on. We walked out of the garage and to an old, classic truck. He opened the door for me and helped me in. He smiled until he heard someone yelling.

"Issac, who the fuck is that?!" a female voice screamed. I looked behind him and saw a skinny redhead with a few tattoos storming toward us. "Fucking answer me, Issac, I swear to God!" she hollered. Soon she was right in his face. "Is this the whore that got my husband killed?!" she screamed as she tried to push past him.

"Fuck off, Destiny," he spat in anger. She smacked his face.

"No. Fuck you, Issac. The guys told me she spent the night in your room. You NEVER let me stay in your room; I was engaged to you. Now you bring this bitch here conveniently after my husband is killed for kidnapping a girl! This is the girl, isn't it?!" she said, pointing at me.

"I suggest you go back to work, Destiny," he said calmly. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"She'll get what's coming, Issac. You can't fucking stop me," she said, glaring at me. Chills went down my spine as she walked away.

Chapter 8

Issac watches the chick named Destiny walk away. He sighed and turned around and looked at me.

"Actually… I should get you home," he said, looking towards the ground. I was so confused but didn't ask questions. Instead, he shut the door, walked to the driver's side, and got in. He turned the truck on and began to drive.

We got to my apartment building, and he parked in front. It was silent for a minute or two until he cleared his throat.

"So, your phone broke last night, so here's a new one, and as for your stitches, you can go to a doctor's office or hospital to get them removed. Just tell them you got them somewhere else or make a place up. I know this is easier said than done, but you must forget everything that happened these past two days. You can't go to the cops or tell anyone. Can I trust you with that?" Issac explained to me. "This will be the last time seeing me too. Your life will go back to normal.," I sat there staring at him.

"My life will not go back to normal, Issac. This whole fucking situation has changed my life drastically. Do you think I'm gonna forget I was shot? That you ripped stitches out of me? You think I will forget that I was kidnapped, beaten, and sexually assaulted, then watching you shoot him in the head?" I started explaining to him. Before he said anything, I continued. "I'm not fucking strong enough to just forget all that shit just happened. I'm fucking traumatized, Issac. What the fuck is wrong with you? How dare you think I could get over that with the snap of a finger!" tears flowed down my cheeks.

"I know it's going to be hard," he said.
