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I got to the restaurant and walked in. "Hi, I'm picking up for Susie," I said to the girl behind the counter. She smiled.

"Alright, just give me one second." She turned, walked into the back, and came back out. She handed me the bag and a receipt, but I didn't pay yet.

"Uh, I haven't paid yet. Why do you have a receipt?" I asked, confused.

"Oh! A gentleman came in and paid for your meals," she smiled. I thought for a second.

"What did he look like?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He was tall; he had tattoos and a scar on his throat," she explained… Issac, what the fuck.

"Okay, thank you," I said, giving her a fake smile. I walked out and looked at the receipt. It just had a smiling face on the back. I shook my head and kept walking. I felt I was being followed, so I picked up the pace. Suddenly I felt a grip on my wrist that wasn't carrying the food, and I was being whipped around.

"Hey!" I shouted when I got turned around. I saw a tall figure and arms with tattoos. I looked up to meet Isaac's eyes.

"Are you going to thank me?" He asked, smiling…

Chapter 9

"Are you going to thank me?" Issac smiled, holding my wrist still. I quickly yanked my wrist out of his hand.

"What the fuck, dude" I shouted. He looked around, then back at me.

"I'll be parked down the street from the store tonight. Please meet me?" He asked. I thought for a minute.

"No, why would I even want to be around you?" I snapped. I turned around and started walking again. He groaned and shouted at me.

"Del, please," he begged. I turned around and glared at him.

"Fine. But I'm not going anywhere with you," I said, turning back around and continuing walking.

I got back to the store and ate lunch with Susie. Then the night quickly went by, and we were closing. After we were all closed up, I told Susie I would see her next week and hugged her.

My heart started pounding faster as I walked down the street. Issac came into view, sitting on a motorcycle. I should just turn around and go home, I thought to myself. I was about to do that when Issac looked up and saw me. He waved and got off his bike. Great, I said to myself, walking up to him.

"Hey," he said, putting his hands in his pockets. He was wearing his cut, and I couldn't help but stare at it. One patch said "Vice President," and another said RVNCRW. The cut was all black, with white designs carved around it.

"Hi," I said after clearing my throat. "What do you want?" I snapped, getting right to the point. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Right to the point, I see," he says. He went silent for a minute, then looked at me. "Look, I'm not tryin' to sound creepy, but I haven't stopped thinking about what happened. I feel terrible and want to help you, you know?" I stared at him with my mouth ajar.

"What?" I said. I was confused.

"Fuck Delilah, I just want to be around you and help you," he quickly said back. I realized what he was trying to say and took a step back. He stepped forward and grabbed my waist. "Wait."

"Get your fucking hands off me!" I shouted, pushing him away. He let go and stepped back. "Please leave me alone," I begged, stepping back. He looked at me with a frown.

"I know you're leaving for a week. And I know you need a way to get there; let me take you," he insisted.

"Are you fucking stalking me?!" I shouted.

"No, but I have eyes and ears everywhere," he answered. I looked around and then back at him. "Please, let me take you," he asked again. The look he gave me made me give in. What the hell, Del?! I thought to myself.

"Ugh, fine," I said, giving in.

He smiled at me and took a step toward me. "So, when are we leaving?" He asked. I answered without thinking.

"Tonight," I said, looking around. He smiled and came even closer.
