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"I know, you've said that. This is about you and me, no one else. Let Jay and everyone else leave, and we can talk," I said, trying to compromise.

She shook her head. "No! This involves him too," she said, bringing the gun back to Jay's head.

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Because he fucking loves you! Not me. YOU!" she screamed, pushing the gun up against Jay's head. He began shaking his head slowly. My heart started beating harder.

"Eve," Jay said, slowly turning around to face her. Tears streaming down her face, she looked up at him. The gun is now pointing towards his heart. "I do love you. You're amazing. You've helped me through so much and let me be a father to an amazing little girl. I love you. You Eve," he said slowly, bringing his arms down, beginning to pull her into a hug.

She slowly lowered the gun, falling into his hug. She wrapped her arms around him, the gun still tight in her grip. Issac and I looked at each other, then back at the gun. I need to get that gun. Jay wrapped his arms around Evelyn.

"Our little girl needs her mom," Jay whispered to her. She began crying even more in his grip. Slowly Issac and I took one step at a time, closing in on the couple.

Issac and I were inches away when Evelyn spoke up. "I'm so sorry," she whispered. I watched as she turned the gun barrel against Jay's back and pulled the trigger. Tears instantly fell from my eyes as she and Jay collapsed.

Without thinking, I ran towards the pair. Jay was on top of Evelyn, and his face pointed away from me. Evelyn's hand was still wrapped around the gun. Her face pointed towards me, her eyes were open, and blood was slowly dripping from her mouth.

"No, no, no," I whimpered, grabbing the gun from her hand and tossing it; then I rolled Jay off of her, his eyes closed. Blood was pouring from his chest where the bullet traveled through him and into Evelyn. "Jay!" I screamed lightly, tapping his face with one hand and covering the wound with my other to slow the bleeding, hoping to see any signs of life. Issac was beside me a second later. Putting my finger against his throat, I felt a faint pulse. "He still has a pulse!" I screamed. I could hear scattering behind me. Everyone surrounded Jay.

"Watch out," General said, pushing me to the side and taking over my spot. Issac pulled me up. The shock was settling in. "Issac, he needs a hospital. I don't have the equipment here to save him."

"I'll call 911," Doll shouted, running to her office.

"T-this can't be happening," I whispered, stepping backward, away from their bodies. Issac noticed and grabbed me by my shoulders. Then, with tears in my eyes, I looked up at him.

"Listen to me, and I need you to stay calm. Take deep breaths with me," he said, trying to comfort me.

"Ambulance is three minutes out!" Doll shouted as she rounded the corner of the bar with towels to hold against Jay's wound.

Time moved slowly as the sirens from the ambulance grew closer. Images of my mom began flying through my mind. Issac pulled away from me and ran to the door as the EMTs made their way in.

"Right here!" Issac shouted. The guys scattered and let the crew dive in. Tears still flowing down my cheeks, I realized I had Jay's blood on my hands, shirt, and thighs.

"We have one adult female, no pulse. One adult male pulse, but it's faint," One of the EMTs stated.

My knees gave way, causing me to crash to the floor. My mind couldn't process words, only emotions. Feeling a hand on my back, I saw Doll kneel beside me, pulling me into her arms. We watched as the emergency crew tried to save Jay's life.


"Del, he's out of surgery," Doll said, shaking me gently, waking me from my nap in the hospital's waiting room chair. I opened my eyes just as Issac, Doll, and Iris came through the ER doors. The guys and I quickly stood up.

"He's stable for now. We have him in an induced coma and on a ventilator. He lost way too much blood, and we're trying to find someone with his blood type for transfusions," Iris explained.

As she explained the situation, anger boiled through my veins. Then, without letting her finish, I yanked my jacket from the chair, throwing it on and storming out of the waiting room and towards the exit.

"Delilah!" I heard Issac shout from behind me. Ignoring him, I jogged towards the exit. "Delilah! Jesus fucking Christ, stop!" Issac yelled as he caught up to me, grabbing me by the elbow and spinning me around to face him.

I yanked my arm away, stepping backward. "This is my fault, Issac. Isaiah started this. I'm ending it. It's my fault Jay was shot, Evelyn died, and now her kid doesn't have a mom, Issac. This is on me."

"Stop!" He tried cutting me off.

"No, Issac. I'm fucking ending this," I said, spinning on my heels and back towards the exit.

"And what do you plan on doing, huh? What's your plan, Delilah?"

Stopping in my tracks, I look over my shoulder at Issac. "Give him what he wants. "

