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"No," Issac instantly answered. He began charging toward me, grabbing me by the elbow and pulling me towards a storage closet. He kicked the door open, shoving me in.

"What the fuck, Issac!?" I shouted, pushing him back as he closed the door. "Issac, what are you-"

"Stop it, Delilah," Issac hissed, glaring at me. "You're not thinking, you can't just go out and confront Isaiah alone."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. My body boiled with anger. "I'm thinking pretty fucking clear right now, Issac. I'm not going to fucking cower away from him. He fucking planned this, Issac! He had Evelyn go to the clubhouse and-"

"No, he didn't! She did that on her own. Isaiah didn't even know where she was," My heart dropped.

"How do you know that?"

"He's been in bed with The Diablos; I found out when we got here."

"The Diablos…? Carlos' crew?"

Issac nodded. "He knows what happened before you left. He's going to use that to his advantage, Delilah. You cannot go at this alone. I will not let you," He slowly stepped towards me. "Once he finds out Evelyn is dead, he will send us a message. I know my brother and how he works. We need to be prepared for this, Delilah. I need you here, by my side." He gently tilted my chin up, making me look at him. Leaning down, he planted a soft kiss on my lips. A loud knock on the door broke us apart.

"Boss? Phone call" We heard from the other side. Issac sighs.

"C'mon," He tilted his head towards the door. Following him back to the waiting room, all the guys talked in a circle. "Iris!" Issac shouted to his sister just before she walked through the door.

"Yeah?" she asked, spinning around.

"I gotta head out. Delilah's gonna stay here with you," Issac said. I shot my head towards him.

"I am?" I asked.

"Okay," Iris smiled. Before I could get another word in, Issac turned towards me.

"You'll be safe here," he said, kissing my cheek, pushing past me, and heading towards the guys. I turned back towards Iris. She smiled again.

"Come with me. I was just headed to my office," she said, walking through the ER doors. We walked through the busy ER, accidentally bumping into other nurses and doctors. We finally made it to a door that Iris unlocked with keys. Pushing it open, she let me in first. "After you"

"Thank you," I said, slipping by her. Looking around her office as I walked in, I noticed many paintings, bookshelves lined with medical journals, and books about different medicinal herbs and tools. She has vibrant plants scattered throughout the room, along with stones and crystals. She closed the door and turned, walking towards her desk. She tossed her keys into a crystal bowl on her windowsill and sighed.

"This isn't how I imagined us meeting formally, but hi, I'm Iris Raven," she said, holding her hand out for me to shake. I smile and grab her hand.

"Delilah " She smiled back at me.

"Have a seat, make yourself comfortable," she said, pointing towards chairs or a small sofa. I nodded and sat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. "Thirsty?" She asked while shrugging off her lab coat, hanging it on the back of her chair. Her long black hair fell along with her slender figure and stopped just above her waist. She wore thick, black-framed glasses. As I made eye contact with her, I realized her eyes were different colors: one blue and one hazel.

"Um, I guess. " I shrugged with a small laugh, continuing to stare awkwardly. She smiled and plopped herself into her desk chair, leaning forward under her desk and pulling out cold water, setting it in front of me. Secret desk fridge, maybe? Grabbing the water, I uncapped it and took a sip. "Where's Ella?" I asked, clearing my throat. Iris leaned back in her chair, sliding her glasses while placing them on her desk.

"She's with Miss Lane, Linda Lane, our family's lawyer," she answered. "She'll be with her until we can contact Evelyn's parents."

"Oh," I nodded. Iris read my face and knew exactly what I was thinking.

"This isn't your fault Delilah," she whispered, reaching over the desk, grabbing my hand, and squeezing it. Closing my eyes, I let alone tears fall. "I know this isn't easy. My family has never been easy, trust me," she said, letting go of my hand. She stood from her chair and walked to her bookshelf, pulling out a book. She turned on her heels and walked back towards me, handing me the book. The cover was blackened leather with a raven pressed onto the front, wings spread and covered in blood… just like the cuts.

"What's this?" I asked, grabbing it.

"I assume, if I know my little brother correctly, he only gave you a sliver of our family, or I should say club history," She sat back down in her chair. "That," she said, pointing to the book, "Will give you the complete picture."

Looking down at the book, I ran my hands across the cover. I slowly opened the book, listening to the spine crinkle. The first page is written in big, bold letters, Corax.

"Corax?" I ask, looking up at Iris.

"It's the scientific name for raven, the bird, of course. My mom was a big nature freak and knew almost every animal, flower, and bug's scientific name," She smiled. "The club's name didn't always have raven in it. Turn the page."
