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"Well, it's a good thing they're five feet away," Issac said with a grin, pointing towards the bedroom. I rolled my eyes at him and wrapped myself in a towel.

"I didn't want to get dressed in this cold-ass room," I sighed.

"It's the perfect temperature. What do you mean, Cold ass room?" He said, following me into the room.

"Exactly what I said. Cold. Ass. Room," I said, laughing. Issac went to speak, but a loud pounding on his door interrupted us.

"The fuck!" He shouted at the door.

"Issac, we need you right now," General said from the other side. Issac's face drained of its color.

"What's wrong?" Issac said, frozen, looking at the door.

"Evelyn is here… she has Jay at gunpoint."

Issac and I looked at each other, seeing worry creep across his face. "Fuck," Issac said, scrambling for a pair of sweatpants. He slid some on and flew towards the door, unlocking it and swinging it open. I ran to his closet, grabbed one of his t-shirts, then snagged a pair of undies. "You're staying here," Issac hissed. I froze while getting dressed.

"No, I'm not," I shot back, continuing to get dressed. Issac glared at me.

"Delilah," He warned. I ignored him, digging through my clothes for a pair of shorts or pants, but not finding any; I gave up.

"Fuck this," I said as I quickly darted to the door. Issac stood in the opening, blocking me. I looked past him and saw General at the end of the hall.

"Issac, move," I hissed.

"Delilah-" I cut him off by pushing past him, trotting towards the stairs. I flew down to them and looked around. Everyone was standing, looking towards the door. Evelyn was holding a gun against the back of Jay's head, and he had both hands held up.

Making eye contact with Jay, I slowly stepped toward them. Evelyn noticed me and drew the gun towards me. I stopped in my tracks and put my hands up.

"Don't come any closer!" She screamed. She had tears running down her face. Her entire body was shaking. I heard footsteps come up behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Issac slowly walking toward me. I looked back toward Evelyn and Jay and took a deep breath.

"Evelyn-" I spoke.

"Don't! Don't you dare say anything! All of this is on you," she screamed, spinning the gun around. "If you never came back, none of this would happen! Nobody would know anything, and everything would be okay!" She cried. I was trying to think of words to say.

"Evelyn, this isn't Delilah's fault," Issac said, stepping closer to me with his hands up. "It's Isaiah's"

"No, no, no, it's not," she yelled, putting the gun back against Jay's head. "If she didn't come back, Isaiah and I would be okay, Jay and I would be okay, and everything would've been OKAY!"

"So, keeping secrets and cheating on me would've been okay? Cool," Jay said, shaking his head.

"Shut up!" Evelyn screamed. "It would've been, but since she came back. Everyone's attention has been on her! Especially yours and Isaiah's."

"That's cause Isaiah's trying to kill her," Jay spat.

"Yeah? And what are you trying to do? Fuck her?" Evelyn spat. Jay didn't answer; he just glanced at me and put his head down. "Yeah, I knew it."

"Evelyn, stop," I whispered. "Think this through. You're a mother. Ella needs you."

"Don't you dare say her fucking name," Evelyn growled, pointing the gun at me, her finger shaking over the trigger.

"Evelyn, listen to me," I whispered…

Chapter 49

"Evelyn," I said, slowly creeping towards her and Jay with my hands still up. Her eyes immediately shot towards me, along with the gun.

"Don't," she hissed. I froze and nodded. "This, this is all on you," she whimpered.
