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"I'm sorry," Jay said, pulling away. I nodded, still in shock. He sighed, standing up and dusting himself off. He turned to the door and went inside, and I leaned my head back against the wall. I touched my lips gently. I forced my eyes shut to squeeze out the rest of my tears.

Trying to avoid everyone, I shuffled through the club. I made it to the stairs and trotted them towards Issac's room. Pushing open the door, I groaned, tossing my phone and keys to my bullet-filled car onto the bed. I turned back to the door, closing it and locking it.

I began stripping my clothes off, leaving a trail toward the bathroom. I turned the shower on, warming up the water. I pulled my hair down and massaged my scalp. I turned and caught my reflection in the mirror. I turned and looked into the mirror at myself. I traced my tattoos with my eyes, looking at the story they told. Some resembled tears, some laughs, and others memories. I stared at the small handwriting across my heart. "Iove you later" danced across in mom's handwriting. I brought my hand up and rubbed it. "I miss you," I whispered, thinking of my mom.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and turned towards the shower, feeling the water. Then, stepping in, I immediately closed my eyes and put my head under the water. I stood still, taking deep breaths, trying to clear my head of today's events.

"Knock knock," I heard that familiar husky voice coming from the bedroom.

"Hey, in here," I replied.

"I figured I see the trail of clothes you left behind," Issac said with a chuckle.

"What's up?" I asked with a giggle.

"I just wanted to check on ya. I'll come back."

I frowned, confused. "You can come in, Issac," I whispered. I waited to hear a reply but didn't get one. I sighed, dropping my head forward. "Fuck," I said to myself. Just then, I listened to the shower door open. I swung around to see Issac towering over me. His bright golden eyes looked into mine. I smiled. "Hi"

"Hi," he laughed. He raised his hand, gently tracing my jaw with his fingers. He stepped closer and closer to me, tilting my chin up while lowering his head. His lips grazed mine. I could feel his breath against my face, causing me to shiver. I rested my hands on his chest and stood on my tiptoes, making our lips meet. He snaked his free arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I felt his lips form a smile.

My thoughts immediately went when Jay kissed me. I pulled away, looking up at him. He frowned. "Jay… Jay kissed me," I confessed. I waited for him to pull away and get upset. He ran his tongue over his teeth and took a deep breath.

"I figured that would happen, eventually. " I pulled away, looking at him, confused.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"He cares about you, Delilah. You and he also experienced something fucking horrible together. I had a feeling it would eventually happen."

"Oh" is all I could think of saying.

"Hey," Issac said, grabbing my chin. I looked up at him again. He brought his lips back to mine, and his body crashed into mine, pushing me into the shower wall. I gasped as my back touched the cold, damp wall. Issac took that opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. As our kiss deepened, he grabbed my right thigh, pulling my leg up and wrapping it around him. I felt him getting harder and harder by the minute.

He brought his other hand down between us and began slowly rubbing circles on my clit. Gasping, I slammed my head against the wall, closing my eyes. Issac moved his mouth to my neck, kissing, sucking, and nibbling. I could feel myself growing wetter, and so could he. He smiled against my neck and pulled his hand away from my clit to grab his cock. He rubbed the tip against the length of my slit. Then he positioned himself near my entrance. He buried his head into the crook of my neck. He slowly began pushing himself in. A little moan slipped out as he pushed all the way in. He grabbed my other thigh in one quick movement, hiking that leg up and around him, then slammed into me.

"Fuck!" I screamed out as he continued to pound into me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself as close as possible. The sounds of our bodies crashing together, and moans fill the air. Issac slowed his thrusting and began rolling his hips. "Issac," I gasped as my body started twitching. He pulled his head away from my neck and looked at me with a grin.

"Problem?" He smiled. Before I could answer, he crashed his lips into mine and sped up his hips, rolling into me. Then he pulled out slowly. I pulled away from the kiss to look at him with a frown. He bit his bottom lip, gripped my thighs tighter, and slammed into me. I let out another moan/scream, and he did this twice. He continued to pound into me, driving both of us closer to the edge.

His thrust became faster and harder, his meaning getting louder and breathless. His grip got tighter, digging his nails into my thighs, while my grip got tighter around his shoulders. I dug my nails in and slowed down. He groaned into my ear as I did.

"Issac," I moaned breathlessly.

"Delilah," He whispered with a slight chuckle. I flew over the edge in a loud moan, and he soon followed, spilling inside me.

He slowed to a stop, but continued to hold me up. He rested his forehead against mine, both of us breathing hard.

"Fuck" He groaned. He pulled out and gently set me down. "I didn't pull out. " He froze, with wide eyes as it clicked in his head. I chuckled and looked at him.

"I have an IUD," I reassured him. His body relaxed, and he leaned down, giving me a soft kiss.

Stepping out of the shower, I realized I didn't grab clothes.

"Ah shit,"

"Hm?" Issac asked, following behind me, wrapping a towel around himself.

"I didn't grab clothes."
