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"Wait, Swan? As in Officer Swan?" She said with an eyebrow raised. I rolled my eyes.

"Long story," I sighed.

"Uh-huh," she hummed.

"Now isn't the time, Doll '' I nervously laughed, weaving through cars, trying to lose Isaiah's guys. She scrolled more and then set my phone down. The line rang.

"Hey, Delilah? I've been meaning to-"

"Nathan, not now. Where are you? Are you working?" I asked abruptly.

"Uh, yeah? Everything okay?"

"Where are you?"

"Patrolling through the outskirts of Longmont. Why?"

"Are you close to the highway?"

"About ten miles, give or take, Delilah. What's going on?"

"Don't ask questions, just listen. I'm about to pass the exit where the motel that you had me stay at is. I need you to catch up to me and turn your lights on. Don't get anyone else involved, please," I said breathlessly.

"On my way. What are you driving? Your Civic?"


"What's your speed?"

"Like 97-ish,"

"Jesus Christ, why?!"

I took a deep breath. "You'll see." I passed the exit, still weaving through the cars.

"Almost to the get-on ramp. What mile marker are you at?" Nathan asked.

"I have no- Shit!" I screamed as a bullet took out my side mirror.

"Delilah?! I'm turning my lights on now. Don't hang up!" Nathan shouted. I looked in the rearview mirror, seeing his lights faintly in the distance. He was able to sneak into the gap that Isaiah's men made between us. "Are you being followed?"

"Yes, I need you to act like you're chasing me, but keep following me."

"Okay, I need to turn off my equipment so the station can't track us." Suddenly, Nathan's cruiser was right behind me. His siren was now on.

"Stay right behind me, please," I begged.

"I will just lead the way."

I watched as Isaiah's men backed off. Relief flowed through me. "They're falling back," I sighed. "I gotta go. Stay behind me," I said, hanging up before he could say anything. "Call Issac back so I can tell him where we're going. " Doll clicked Issac's name and began calling him. He picked up instantly. "Meet me at the sunset."

We finally pulled up to the cliff face. Issac brought me to watch the sunrise. Just as we were pulling in, the sun was setting. Issac was leaning against his truck. I pulled beside him, and then Nathan pulled up next to me. Issac ran over to Doll and me as we were getting out. Before I could say anything, Issac pulled me into his lips with both hands on my cheeks.

"I thought I was going to lose you," he whispered into my neck as he hugged me. I hugged him tightly, and I couldn't find the words to say. I just closed my eyes and took in the moment. He pulled away from the hug and grabbed Doll into a tight one.

"I left Jay with everyone at the clubhouse. They're fine," Issac said, pulling away from his hug. I turned to see Nathan walking up to us.

"Thank you," I said, giving him a slight smile.
