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"He hasn't been hiding. If anyone has been hiding, it's been you!" I corrected him. He laughed.

"Look at you! Getting all tough. You've grown flower, and it looks like you're going to bloom soon," Isaiah smirked. The anger in me rises, and I clench my fist tighter, causing my nails to sink into my palms. My jaw tightened. "Oh? Something wrong?" He smiled. "Look, I just need to talk to Issac, and then we can all go on our separate ways, and the only way to get him to talk to me is using you two."

"Then call him," Devin said, tossing his phone to Isaiah. He didn't catch it, letting it fall to the floor.

"I will, eventually. I want to watch him suffer and stir for a bit," Isaiah continued to talk, but nothing was processing in my head because I was focusing on Doll. She was talking to me through her eyes. I couldn't quite figure out what she was saying, but I had an idea. I spoke, cutting Isaiah off.

"Jesus, do you ever stop talking? Fuck bro. No wonder everyone is sick of your shit. " Isaiah's eyes filled with anger, and he got in my face. I swung my hand out, open-palmed, hitting him in the throat with the web of my hand between my pointer and thumb.

He grabbed his throat, giving me the chance to kick him in the groin; he keeled over on the ground. Then I heard a gun go off. Devin shot the men holding Doll. She pulled away from them as he did. Devin continued firing at the rest of the men, trying to give us time and cover.

"Run!" Devin roared. Then, as Doll got up behind Isaiah, she kicked him in the back with her heeled boots, causing him to fall the rest of the way. I grabbed her and began running towards the door. Devin followed behind, continuing to fire shots. We ran out and towards my car. Devin opened the passenger side, cut Doll's restraints, and pushed her in. I dove into the driver's seat and turned the car on.

"Whatever you do, don't fucking stop driving!" He shouted before slamming the door. Isaiah and two men charge out of the restaurant. Devin spun, firing his pistol. Suddenly, we saw two bullets fly through his chest.

"No!" I screamed, watching Devin fall. Tears gathered in my eyes.

"Drive!" Doll screamed. I slammed my foot down onto the clutch, then threw my car into drive. We heard bullets bouncing off the metal of my car. Looking into the rearview mirror, I watched as Isaiah walked towards Devin's body on the ground, firing multiple rounds into him. Then I heard screams. They were coming from me.

Chapter 47

My eyes dart between the rearview mirror, side mirrors, and speedometer. Two Suburban's and a bike have been trailing us since the restaurant. "Call Issac," I said to Doll while grabbing my phone from my back pocket. She quickly grabbed my phone and then dialed Issac's number. The call connected to my car's Bluetooth.

"Hey, what's up?" Issac said, answering on the second ring. Before Doll or I could get a word out, bullets ricochet off my car. I ducked, causing me to swerve. "Delilah?! What's happening?!" Issac shouted. I assumed he heard the bullets hitting my car. After regaining control of my car, I veered onto the highway. We're still being followed. "Delilah?!" Issac shouted.

"I'm here," I said, out of breath. I looked down at my speedometer, and it said 90 mph. Holy Shit.

"What the fuck is happening?!" He shouted.

"We were sent into a trap," I explained. "Isaiah used Doll as bait."

"Is Doll okay?!"

"I'm fine, babe," Doll spoke up.

"Where are you?! Where's Devin?!" Issac shouted. I could hear him grabbing his keys.

"Devin's gone," I whispered, tightening my hands around the steering wheel.

"I'm coming to you, where-"

"Issac, no. It's a trap; this whole thing is a trap. Isaiah is trying to lure you out," I explained.

"I don't give a fuck! Where are you?!"

"Issac, no!" I shouted. "Please, just stay at the clubhouse. Protect yourself and whoever is there," I said, looking over at Doll, nodding her head, agreeing with me.

"Delilah, please," Issac begged.

"Issac, stop. I will figure this out."


I sighed, then an idea popped into my head. "I got an idea. I gotta go," I said.

"Wait!" Issac shouted before I could end the call. "Delilah, listen to me. I-"

"Don't, Issac. Not now," I said, shaking my head, having an idea of what he was about to say. But before he could say anything, I ended the call. "Scroll through and look for the name Nathan Swan," I said to Doll. She began scrolling, then paused.
