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"It's not like you haven't seen it before," I said before he could walk out. He stopped in his tracks and turned around with a smirk.

"You're right, but you know we haven't done anything since that night," he said with a smirk leaning against his dresser. I shake my head with a smile.

"Ya know, we haven't had the time to do much kinky shit with everything going on," I said, pulling my jeans up and buttoning them. Issac bit his bottom lip and nodded.

"You're also right with that," He laughed. He cleared his throat, changing the subject. "I want Devin to go with you today."

I sigh. "Does Doll know?" I ask. He shook his head. "Haven't been able to get ahold of her. She probably got some shit done before meeting you," I nodded in agreement.

"Better to be safe than sorry," I said after finishing brushing my hair. I checked myself in the mirror and saw Issac lean up from the dresser and walk over to me in the reflection. He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head into the nook of my neck.

"You're beautiful. You know that, right?" He mumbled into my neck. I smile wide, looking into the mirror at us. His colossal frame towers over me.

"What is this?" I ask. He brings his face up to look at me.

"What is what? Us?" He asked.


He sighs and continues to hold me. "This is what I want." My heart drops. I turn my head to look at him, trying to find words. Before I could say anything, he gave me a quick kiss and then pulled away. "Better hurry. Doll doesn't enjoy waiting. Your car is ready and waiting for you," he smiled, walking out. What the fuck?

I walk into the garage to see my car, all fixed, waxed, and looking like I just bought it. I hear my keys jingle behind me. I turn to Issac handing them to me. "Have fun," he said while winking. I heard one bike fire up in the parking lot,

Devin was getting ready to follow me, and I turn back to Issac.

"Thank you," I said. I turned to my car, opened the door, and got in. I turned it on and rolled down my window to say bye when Issac spoke.

"Go easy on that clutch now, had to replace that too," He winked. Asshole.

I pulled up to the restaurant Doll asked to meet at. Devin pulled up beside me. I turned my car off. "Ready for some lunch?" I smiled while getting out. He laughed and shook his head.

"I'll be waiting out here," he said, taking his helmet off.

"What? Why? You don't know how long we're gonna be,"

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "It's alright. I'll be right here if you need anything."

"Do you want me to bring you something?"

"Del, I'm good," He reassured me. I nodded and made my way in. It was awfully quiet when I walked in. But there were a bunch of cars in the parking lot. I thought to myself.

"Ah, there she is. Take a seat, why don't ya? " I heard that all too familiar voice. Slowly turning, my eyes locked onto Isaiah. I looked around for Doll.

"Where's Doll?" I hissed, ignoring his offer. He chuckled and snapped his fingers. I heard shuffling, and six guys popped out of the kitchen area. Doll had her hands behind her back, and they gagged her. "What the fuck is this?!" I snapped, clenching my fists.

"Oh, flower. You know what this is," Isaiah chuckled.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her."

"Yeah, well, that was before things got to this extent."

"Issac has one of the guys out there," I threatened.

"Does he?" Isaiah smirked while standing up, strolling up to me. I heard the restaurant door open behind me. Devin was being dragged in and pushed next to me. He nudged my arm.

"Whatever happens, you need to run and not stop," he whispered. I glanced at him and then at Doll. She had tears falling from her eyes. Isaiah stood in front of me with his evil grin.

"This is the part where I use you and her as bait for my little bro," I went to speak, but he cut me off. "You two are the most important people to him, don't ya know? So, he'll definitely come out of hiding."
