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"What's it mean?" I asked quietly. They both turned towards me.

"Depending on how the meeting goes, if the guys agree with me, then we will find Isaiah and put this to rest. But if they disagree," He pauses. I waited for an answer.

"If they disagree?" I asked. Before he could speak, Doll spoke up.

"If they disagree, there will be a forced vote. They will vote if the president stays or gets replaced with the vice president. Whoever doesn't get enough votes gets outcaste; they get a fucking target on their back. Almost every person this club has outcast has ended up dead," Doll said, sobbing. My heart dropped, and my body went cold. Doll walked away and into the clubhouse. I turned towards Issac. His gaze was stuck on the floor.

"Issac, please-"

"Don't" He stopped me from continuing. "I need you to be in this meeting," he said, looking up from the ground and making eye contact with me.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Just be there. Please," he said. He started walking towards his office. Once he closed the door, I heard the roar of bikes.

Doll and I were sitting at the bar drinking a cup of coffee. We didn't mention anything about the upcoming meeting. Instead, we gave each other sad glances. The clubhouse door swung open.

"Delilah," Issac growled. I turned and saw Issac and all the guys walk in. Issac stopped at the bar, but the other guys continued into a room. Doll looked at him with tears pooling in her eyes. Issac pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. "It's gonna be okay," he whispered. She pulled away and nodded. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it with a small smile. We heard the clubhouse door slam open. Jay walked in and stormed past us into the room where the guys went.

"Surprised he showed up," Doll sniffled.

"Yeah. Let's go," Issac said, pulling me along with him.

We walked into the room that I recognized. All the guys were sitting at a large table with the club's logo in the middle. I followed Issac to the table, and he sat on the right side next to an empty chair at the head of the table. He sat down, and the guys stood up from their seats. I leaned against the wall behind him, staying quiet. Issac began calling off names, and they all sat once their name was called.

Issac began explaining what was happening between him, Isaiah, and the club business. As I stand there and listen, I feel uncomfortable. I feel like I shouldn't be here. The guys were all focused on Issac as he talked. I could see them taking in the information Issac was telling them.

"So now it's time for the vote. I'll give y'all a few minutes to talk amongst yourselves," Issac said, tapping the table while standing up. He nodded towards me to follow him, and I did. We walked out to the back parking lot. He shut the door and took a deep breath. He put his hand in his pocket and shuffled around, pulling out a joint light. He offered me a hit, but I passed.

"Why is this a thing?" I asked. He inhaled deeply, then blew out the smoke slowly through his nose.

"To keep the club honest. They want a strong, clear-headed president. They put their lives in our hands," He explained.

"Makes sense, I guess," I said, shrugging my shoulders. Issac pulled me into a tight hug.

After Issac finished his joint, we returned to the meeting room. Everyone stopped talking as we walked in, and Issac sat down.

"Alright. Let's get this over with," Issac sighed. "Jay, your vote?" Issac asked. With crossed arms, Jay nodded toward Issac.

"Alright, one for me. General, what's yours?"

Chapter 46

"General?" Issac repeated his name. General looked up at Issac and nodded towards him. I'm assuming that means they're voting for him.

"You know I will always be on your side, son," General spoke. "You were meant for that patch, not your brother," he took a breath and then continued. "Issac, when you stepped up after Issac left, things changed. For the better, I know Jay knows your aunt knows. I'm sure the rest of these fuckers agree," he said, pointing around the table. The guys nod in agreement.

Issac looked around the table at everyone and then over his shoulder at me. "We don't need to vote on shit, son; you ARE taking that patch. All those that agree, raise your right hands," General said, raising his. My heart began beating fast and hard as I looked around the table. Everyone had their right hand raised. Relief flowed through me. "That settles it. Issac Raven, you are now the president of The Raven's. Jay Walker, you are now vice president of The Raven's. Isaiah Raven's wings have been clipped. He is now outcast, indefinitely," General said, slamming his fist on the table, and all the guys followed, banging the table as well. Everyone stood up and walked up to Issac, hugging him. Issac nodded at everyone and smiled.

"Alright ya fuckers, let's get to work," Issac shouted. The guys laughed and began leaving the room. The ones left in the room were Issac, Jay, General, and I.

"Now, we just need to get that patch," General said, grabbing Issac's shoulder.

"We will," Jay spoke up.

It's been a few days since the meeting, and the guys have devised a plan to confront Isaiah and Evelyn. First, we need to find them, which won't be easy. Earlier, I got a text from Doll asking to meet up for lunch. While getting dressed, Issac popped into the room.

"Shit, sorry," he said, turning around to walk out. I giggle, pulling my shirt over myself.
