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"Where is my daughter?"

"Jay, listen to me. I love you. But I had to get her away from this life."

"Evelyn. Where. Is. She?" he said. I could tell the rest of his anger was rising.


"With who?!" he screams. It quieted down once again. "She's with him, isn't she? You wanted to get her outta this life, but you put her right in the hands that made it the way it is."

We heard footsteps closing in on the door.

"Shit! Scatter!" Doll whispered, running over to her car, pretending to be on the phone. Issac and I ran back to his bike. He sat sideways on it and pulled me down to his lap just in time as the door swung open.

Jay is storming out, putting his cut on, and walking towards his bike. Evelyn slowly emerges out of the doorway. We heard a bike fire up, and we turned back to Jay, peeling out of the parking lot and cutting through traffic. Doll, Issac, and I looked at each other than Evelyn. Doll hung up her pretend to call and started walking towards Evelyn, Issac, and I started walking over to meet Doll.

"Evelyn, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Doll said with a big smile. Doll stood up straighter and placed her hands behind her back.

"Ah, morning," Evelyn said nervously. She saw me appear from behind Issac. We made eye contact, and she froze. "I-I uh was uh" She stuttered. "I went to Horizon to work, and there was someone there. She said you hired her?" She said, pointing towards Doll. Issac gave Doll a confused look.

"Oh yeah! Leah, she's great, isn't she?" Doll answered with a smile.

"Leah as in Iris's Leah?" Issac asked, giving Doll a worried look.

"Yep," Doll said, still looking at Evelyn. Issac cleared his throat.

"Does Iris know?"

"Nope," Doll said with a grin.

"You know Iris is gonna be pissed, right?" Issac said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Mhm," Doll mumbled. "But that's a later topic,'' she said, smiling at Evelyn. "Oh! Yes, I did hire Leah. She's your replacement."

"What?" Evelyn gasped. "You can't just replace me!" Doll ran her tongue across her top teeth and started walking towards the door.

"Oh yes, I can," she said, bumping past Evelyn.

"No, you can't!" Evelyn cried as Doll walked by, and Issac and I followed behind Doll. "You can't do this to me!"

Doll stopped abruptly and slowly turned and glared at Evelyn. Doll stalked towards her, pointing. "And YOU can't leave when YOU get into a little spat with your boy toy! YOU had a job to do, Evelyn, and YOU failed to show up for the past. I don't know how many days!" Doll hissed, getting in Evelyn's face, making her walk backward. Fear flashed through her eyes. "YOU are the one who decided. Not Jay, not me, YOU!" Doll finished shouting. Doll spun around and walked towards us.

"Issac, please," Evelyn begged with tears in her eye, and Doll walked up to us.

"Get her out of here. Now" Doll demanded. Issac sighed and started walking toward Evelyn. Doll and I walked into the garage. Doll began opening the two large garage doors with a switch. I watched through the gaps as Issac was talking to Evelyn.

I watched as Evelyn stumbled backward with her hand over her mouth. She was crying hysterically. She turned and ran towards her car, getting in and speeding off. Issac walked back to us in the garage.

"What did you say?" I asked as he walked up to me. He sighed.

"I told her she's done with the club and Jay and that if she tries to come back, it won't be good," He answered.

"She's gonna tell him, Issac, '' Doll chimed in while she was sorting papers in his office.

"I figured she would," he said, looking towards the ground. He took a deep breath. "That's why I'm going to call a meeting as soon as everyone's here."

Doll shot out of the office. "Issac, you do know what this means if you do this," she said, walking up to him, putting her hand on his chest. "Please tell me you understand," Issac nodded.

"I do. " I looked between both of them, confused.
