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"What about you?" I asked.


"When was the last time you saw one?" I asked. Issac looked into my eyes. Then turned his head to look over the ridge.

"I came up here a lot after you left," He began. "I come up here to get away from the bullshit. This is like my hidden pond," he said, referring to the hideaway point back at my parents. He knows I would ride Roan there to get away from everything. I smiled, and we were silent for a moment. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "We need to figure out this, Isaiah, Evelyn bullshit. " I sighed and turned my head away.

"Yep," is all I said.

"Hey," he said, turning my head towards him.

"Where would we even start, Issac?" I searched his eyes. "We have no fucking clue where they are."

"They're close,"

"And how do you know that?" I asked with slight doubt in my voice.

"They have Ella. Evelyn doesn't go far out of Longmont with her," He explained. I nodded my head, and he sighed. "Fuck it," he said, catching me off guard with his lips. He began leaning back with his hands resting on both sides of my face. He pulled me up onto him, my legs straddling him. He pushed strains of my hair out of my face, breaking the kiss. His hands now rested on my hips, pushing me down against his hardness. He looked up at me with an evil grin. I rolled my eyes and said something when he flipped us over, slamming my body against the ground and knocking the air out.

I looked up, and the sun was entirely up and on us. Issac quickly dropped to my neck and began kissing my neck and giving it little nibbles. I let out a giggle mixed with a moan. He slid his hand under the hem of the hoodie I was wearing and slowly grazed his hand up my stomach, and under the bra, I threw on quickly this morning. His finger began twisting and pulling my nipple. My hand flew up to his hair, and I ran my fingers through it as I moaned, arching my back. Issac leaned up to my face and placed his lips on mine. I immediately let his tongue in. This hardness in his sweats began growing even harder. He took his hand out of my shirt and pushed himself up. My legs were locked around his body. He gave me a devilish grin and gripped the band of my yoga pants. He pulled down.

The sound of Issac's phone ringing startled both of us. Issac sighed in defeat. "God damn it," he said, stretching out his arm to grab his phone on the ground next to us. "What, Doll?" he sighed. He closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, listening to Doll. "What time is it?" He said, pulling his phone away from his face to look. "Ah fuck. Yes, I'm sorry, I took Delilah out for breakfast. " He took a deep breath. "I'll be there soon," he said, hanging up. He looked at me and smiled and laughed. "I was supposed to open the garage this morning. He said with an oops face.

"Oh boy, how pissed is Doll?"

"Very," He laughed. We both sigh as we help each other up. We began our ride back to the garage.

We pulled into the parking lot, and Issac parked his bike. He got off and then helped me. We turned towards the garage door, and Doll was standing outside the door, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Both Issac and I looked confused. We headed over to her. Once we closed in and she noticed, she gave a head nod and put a finger to her lips, giving us a sign to be quiet. As we got closer to the door, we heard yelling from inside. Doll whispered.

"Evelyn's back," she said with wide eyes, then she focused back on listening to their argument. Issac and I glanced at each other, then listened in.

"Jay, listen. I am so sorry! I love you, and I just wanted to be honest," we heard Evelyn yell.

"Bullshit!" Jay screamed, then we heard glass shattering. "I already knew she wasn't Evelyn. But I sure as fuck didn't think she'd be his!" We heard Jay scream. Doll, Issac, and I looked at each other. We all had the same thought. Oh shit.

Chapter 45

We heard more things crash. "Jay, listen. It'll be okay!" Evelyn cried. Things went quiet.

"You know what, Evelyn? I knew, but I didn't know who. Because I didn't and still don't care. Why? Because what were her first words, Evelyn?" we heard Jay ask calmly. It went quiet again. "What was it?!" Jay hollered while punching something metal.

"Dad," Evelyn answered.

"I'm her father, Evelyn. He wasn't here! He hasn't been here for the club. What makes you think he'll be there for her?"

"Jay, I understand what you're feeling."

"But do you? Do you? I lost my chance to be a father before. I'm not missing it now."

"That was a mistake, Jay! You didn't even know!"

"Fuck you!" Jay hollered. "Just because we didn't know doesn't mean it didn't affect us," He hissed. I felt my heart break a little. Issac put his hand on the small of my back and rubbed me gently to comfort me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that, babe."

"Where is she?" Jay asked. His voice was beginning to crack.

