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"No, I couldn't," I answered without looking at him.

"How?!" He growled, and I yanked my arm away.

"Because Issac! How would it look to everyone if I fought back and did some actual damage? I would be the one going down. Not Isaiah. I'm not part of the club. Not everyone knows me. It's my word against his Issac, and I won't win," I explained because I've already thought about it more than once. He walked up to me, slowly grabbing my face.

"I would know whose words to trust, though," He whispered, then planted a kiss on my lips.

Chapter 44

"Delilah," Issac whispered, waking me.

"Hm?" I groan, rubbing my eyes. I hit my phone, lighting it up to see the time, five AM?! "Jesus Christ Issac, it's almost fucking five!"

"Shh! Get dressed in something warm," he said, pushing off the bed.

"What?" I sighed. He ignored my question. I sighed again, throwing the covers off me. I walked to the dresser, pulled out a pair of yoga pants, and snatched one of Issac's hoodies. Issac is already leaving the room. He stops in his tracks before walking out of the door.

"Meet me by my bike." before I could say anything, he was gone.

I finish getting dressed and walk downstairs to the clubhouse. Jay is covered with a blanket and passed out on the club's couch. I frown a little as I walk by. He still hasn't heard from Evelyn. It's been almost three days. He doesn't want to go home, so he is just sleeping on the couch because Issac is still sleeping in the other bedroom, not wanting to push anything between us. I honestly don't know what to think about that. As I entered the garage, I quietly shut the door.

I looked through the garage door window and saw it was still pitch black out. What the fuck is this early bird doing? As soon as I walked out of the garage door to the parking lot, Issac fired up his bike, making it roar. Welp, so much for trying to be quiet.

I trot over to him on his bike. He was handing me a helmet and bandana. "What are you doing?" I yelled over the rumbling of the engine. Issac stood tying the bandana around my face, clipping the helmet to my head.

"Get on," he said, kicking the stand up. I shook my head and mounted the back of the bike. He grabbed my arms and wrapped them around his torso. "Hold tight," he yelled over the engine.

He revved the bike, and we moved. Once he pulled onto the street, he let the bike roar through the little town, probably waking every last soul up.

Almost thirty to thirty-five minutes later, we pulled up to the very top of a ridge that overlooked Longmont. The small town's lights glow in the distance. Issac got off the bike, offering me a hand. I grab it and swing my leg off the bike. Issac takes the helmet and bandana off and hangs them on the handlebars.

"What are we doing up here?" I asked, looking down at Longmont.

"Come here," he said, pulling me towards the ridge with the moon lighting up the ground. There was a large, flat rock near the edge. Issac and I got closer, and my heartbeat became quicker. I stop and tug back a little. Issac turned and looked at me, confused. "What?"

"Uh, this is close enough, right?" I asked. Issac turned and looked at the edge. Then back at me, smirking.

"You're scared of heights? You were fine at the school," he pointed out.

"Yeah, well, that was different; that was a building. Not a slippery ridge that drops off a mountain," I sputtered. He chuckled.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, looking at me with a smile. I groan and close my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Right now, I hate you."

He laughed, squeezing my hand. We resumed our walk to the rock. We stopped about ten feet from the edge. Issac knelt and sat, pulling me down with him. He spread his legs and pulled me between them, then wrapped his arms around me, pulling my back to his chest. His chin rested on my shoulder. He suddenly pulled away for a minute. I heard him digging around in his pants pocket. Then I listened to a lighter flick, and Issac took a deep breath. Then I saw an ember come over my shoulder—a joint. I smiled, took it between my fingers, and put it to my lips, taking a smallish hit. Issac rests his head on my shoulder. I cough lightly, passing the joint back to Issac.

"Why are we up here in the cold at almost six in the morning?" I asked. I felt him inhale and exhale with a laugh. I saw the glow of a phone behind me. Issac was checking the time. He passed the joint to me, and I took another hit off it.


"Look," he said, pointing towards Longmont. I looked; fire-like rays appeared above the horizon. Did he bring me here to watch the sunrise? A smile stretched across my face. We watched as the sky lit up, and oranges, pinks, and reds flared across the sky. Issac held onto me tighter, and I leaned my head back against his chest with a smile.

We sat and finished the joint as the sun fully appeared. "I haven't seen a sunrise in a while," I said, running my fingers up and down his forearm.

"When was the last time?" He asked. With my back still towards him, I sighed.

"The last time I was at my house," Issac grabbed my waist and turned me towards him. He smiled and kissed my cheek.
