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Issac said, setting his coffee cup down. Jay nodded. Issac began making his way to the stairs, and I followed. I looked back at Jay, watching us walk up the stairs.

Issac and I get dressed. I wore a pair of simple black comfy yoga pants and a plain black V-neck shirt. I put on some mascara and had my hair half up, half down. Issac put on a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt with the club's name across the front, then his cut over that. "Hm, what to take? The bike or the truck?" He asked, putting on a watch.

"You're asking me?" I asked, pointing to myself. Issac looked around the room like he was searching for someone else.

"Hm, yup. Pretty sure I was asking you," He smiled and shook my head.

"What's the temperature gonna be like today?" I asked. He pulled out his phone and puckered his lips while looking at the screen.

"Low seventies," He answered. I frowned a little. Issac looked at me and smirked. "You wanted to ride the bike?" He said, smiling.

"Kinda," I laughed. He nodded, walked to his closet, and pulled out two hoodies. He tossed one to me.

"Catch," he said while throwing it. I caught it and stretched it out. It was his club hoodie. It was black and had his name and VP on the front and then the club emblem on the back. "Put it on. It'll keep ya warm," he said, putting on the hoodie he grabbed for himself. Then he walked over to his dresser, grabbed a set of keys, and opened the bedroom door. "After you" He smiled.


Issac's bike roared as we pulled back into the garage parking lot. We parked on got off the bike. "So, we need to teach you a few things," Issac said, sitting back down on his motorcycle. I laughed.

"Like what?" I asked, leaning onto my hip.


I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I know how to defend myself, Issac."

"You sure? Cause to me, it doesn't seem like it."

"Tsk," I shake my head. "I do"

"Show me," he said, standing up and walking closer to me. I stepped back.


"Delilah," he said, stalking towards me.

"Issac, I don't want to hurt you," I said, still stepping back.

"You're not going to" He laughed. How did we go from being romantic and passionate to wrestling in the parking lot? I thought to myself.

I hit a wall behind me, and Issac kept moving in. "Issac, stop. I'm warning you. " He pressed me against the wall, his hands against it beside my head, his knee in between my legs. His face was in mine, and he started leaning down to my neck. Not what I expected… I thought. His lips grazed over my neck, making their way to my ear.

"This isn't defending yourself," He whispered. I chuckled. I pushed my body against him. I slowly wrapped my calf around the outside of his calf. He didn't notice that I slipped my hand behind me. I leaned up against his ear.

"You sure?" I whispered. In one quick movement, I grabbed a handful of his hair, yanking his head back, then I pulled my knife out from behind me and held it to his throat, but with the blade's edge towards me so it wouldn't cut him. He groaned, then smiled. I let go, and he stepped back.

"Jesus, why didn't you do that shit with Isaiah?" He asked out of breath, rubbing his throat. "And when and where the fuck did the knife come from?" I tucked the knife back into its holster that was attached to the inside of my pants.

"I learned a few things when I went back home," I smiled, and Issac widened his eyes.

"Delilah, seriously. Why the fuck didn't you fight them back?"

"I did," I hissed, beginning to walk away, not wanting to have this conversation. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him.

"We're not done," He hissed back.

"I'm not talking about this right now."

"Yes, we are. This whole time you could've protected yourself from Isaiah and Evelyn, but you didn't," He whispered in case Jay was close.
