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"Were they all part of the club?" I asked curiously. He nodded.

"But there was always a rift in the family. My grandfather granted my father the club's presidency when he was sick. It was supposed to move to Levi because he's the oldest, but my grandfather thought my father would be a better president," Issac sighed. "Everyone supported my grandfather's decision except Levi. Levi was furious, so furious he left the club, disappeared for fifteen years” My eyes widened.

"He came back after that long? Why?" I asked, confused.

"Revenge," Issac said. My heart sank. I wrapped my arms across my chest and then looked down.

"We didn't know he was back. No one knew until that day," Issac said, scanning the car. "My parents had just picked Iris and me up from the park. I was twelve, and Iris was seventeen. Isaiah was sixteen and at a party somewhere. Who the fuck knows," Issac paused, then continued. "We had just pulled onto the road to our house when a van appeared out of nowhere and blocked the road in front of us. My father threw the car into reverse, trying to back away, but a truck appeared behind us, stopping us. We heard a door shut and looked at the van in front of us. It was Levi. My mom told Iris and me to hide on the car's floor. He walked up to my father's window. They both started arguing, then the arguing stopped, and I saw Levi walk away from my view from the floor. Everything went quiet, so quiet. Then I heard my mother scream, and we saw her try to get to us, but bullets began spraying throughout the car."

"Oh my god," I whispered.

"Iris and I watched our parents die that day."

"Issac, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. It comes with this lifestyle," he said, shrugging his shoulders. He started covering the car back up with the tarp.

"This is what my nightmares are about," Once he finished covering the car, he spoke again. "My spirit want to be with the soul above. So that none of the others fly, the grave is artificially closed. I am like a raven when two weeks have passed," I looked at Issac, confused.

"Where's that from?" I asked.

"It's a quote my grandfather had put into his will. It's from the 1600s, by D. Stolcius Von Stolcenberg. I think it's from one of his books."

"Oh, it's beautiful."

We made our way back into the clubhouse. Once we walked through the back door to the clubhouse, Issac stopped in his tracks.


"Shh," Issac whispered, cutting my question short. He crouched against the wall. I heard heavy footsteps coming from the bar area.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade. What the fuck is going on? Issac peeked around the corner into the bar area and flipped the knife to where the blade was in his hand. Suddenly, he stood quickly and threw the knife with so much force I saw the muscles in his neck twitch.

"Jesus Christ! What the fuck!?" I heard Jay yell. Issac sighed and lowered his shoulders in relief. I stood up and rounded the corner. The knife was stuck in the wall right next to Jay's head. Jay turned towards us. "Well fuck, good morning to you too," he said, walking towards the bar.

"My bad," Issac said like it was nothing. He walked towards Jay, and I followed behind. "Wasn't expecting company at seven in the morning on a Sunday," Issac sighed, walking around the bar and switching on the coffeemaker. Jay looked at me as I passed behind him.

"Ah, I see," He mumbled. "I was coming to ask if you heard from Isaiah '' Jay said, looking back towards Issac.

"You couldn't call? Or text me?" Issac said, squinting his eyes. Jay shrugged his shoulders. Issac shook his head. "And no. Nothing, have you heard from Evelyn?"

"Nope," Jay said, leaning back. "She does this shit when we fight, though. She'll disappear with Ella for two or three days."

Issac and I glanced at each other. Jay noticed. "What?" He asked, looking between us.

"Nothing. Isaiah probably went back to Vegas or something. " Issac cleared his throat. The coffee maker dinged, and he turned towards it. "Coffee?"

"Sure," Jay said with scrunched eyebrows. Issac turned and handed Jay and me both a cup of coffee.

"Also, when aren't you and Evelyn arguing?" Issac jokes.

"Hah, funny,"

"What happened?" Issac asked, taking a sip from his coffee. Jay sighed. He glanced over at me, then back at Issac.

"Same bullshit like every other time," Jay answered.

"Hm," Issac hummed. He looked at the clock on the liquor shelf. It was almost eight. "Well, Delilah and I are gonna go get some breakfast. Hold down the fort while we're gone.”
