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"Shut up," I said, lightly punching his shoulder.

Pulling into Horizon, we saw an unfamiliar van and two bikes parked beside it. "The fuck is this?" Issac said to himself, parking the truck. "Stay here," He ordered me before he got out.

"Issac, wait! We should call-" He interrupted me.

"Delilah," He warned. I sighed, annoyed, watching him walk over to the van. Its door opened, and a prominent figure stepped out. Isaiah. It looked like they started exchanging words calmly, suddenly becoming heated. Isaiah pushed Issac, and Issac swung, connecting his fist with Isaiah's jaw. As I watched, I saw Isaiah reach into his back pocket. He pulled out a knife. I scrambled to open the door, screaming.

"He has a knife!" Issac looked at Isaiah's hand as it swung towards him. He avoided the swing. Isaiah swung again, cutting Issac in the cheek. I grabbed Issac's gun, jumped out of the truck, and began running over. "Stop!" I screamed, pointing the gun at Isaiah. He ignored me, still swinging at Issac. Issac was fighting weaponless. I quickly tried to line my sights up with my target. Suddenly Isaiah kicked Issac's legs from under him, causing him to fall. I fired once. I heard it cling off the van. I missed. Isaiah stood over Issac. His hand flew back, and I fired the gun again, my eyes closing as they did. I heard a thud and opened my eyes. Isaiah was sliding down the side of the van, holding his shoulder, blood pouring through his fingers. I looked towards Issac, and he wasn't moving.

"No!" I shouted. I tucked the gun into the back of my pants and ran over to him. I quickly crouched down to him, and his chest was barely rising. I leaned to listen to his breathing when I saw it. The knife was driven into his neck, blood oozing out. "No! No! Issac," I screamed.

Tears fell from my eyes. His hand came up to my face, wiping the tears away. He gave me a small smile before his hand slipped and became limp. In shock, I stared at him, beginning to sob loudly. I heard faint laughter from behind me. I turned. Isaiah, still leaning up against the van holding his shoulder, was laughing. Yanking the gun from the back of my pants, I held it up, pointed it at his head, and screamed, pulling the trigger.

"Delilah! Wake up! It's me!" I heard as I shot awake. Breathing heavily, tears falling from my eyes, I focused on Issac. I yanked him into a hug and began sobbing. "Hey, it was just a nightmare," He whispered as he rubbed my back. I opened my eyes and noticed sunlight peeking in. I pulled away and looked at him.

"What time is it?" I asked, still sobbing.

"Almost six in the morning. I woke up to you screaming."

"I'm sorry," I said, wiping the tears away.

"It's okay. Do you wanna talk about it?" He said, moving my hair from my face. I shook my head.

"No, not really," I sniffled. He nodded.

"Do you get them often?" He asked. I looked at my fingers and began picking at my nails.

"Uh, yeah," I nodded. I heard him sigh and get off the bed. He walked towards his closet and grabbed some clothes.

"I do too; here, put these on '' he said, handing me his hoodie and sweatpants. I hesitantly grabbed them.

"Why?" I asked, slowly pushing the blankets off me.

"I want to show you something," he said, getting dressed. I slowly got dressed, a little nervous about what was about to happen. He reached for my hand, and we walked out of the room and to the bar area. As I walked, I winced in pain for a few steps. I think Issac noticed. He chuckled.

"You good?" He asked.

"Mhm," is what I answered. He laughed as we continued to the back, where the door to the back parking lot was. He headed towards the door. Before opening it, he took a deep breath. I looked at him and then at the door as he opened it. We walked through it. We walked past where my car was parked, which was kind of in the front. A gate appeared as we walked further towards the back of the lot. We walked up to it. Issac let go of my hand and pulled out a pair of keys. He put them in a lock attached to the gate and turned it, unlocking it.

He swung the gates open. I saw a large gray tarp covering something. Issac ripped the tarp off, relieving what was underneath. My eyes opened wide, and in front of me was a car, an old black mustang. It had bullet holes littered throughout it. The windshield was blown out, and the seats were ripped apart. Rust circled the bullet holes, showing that it's been sitting here aging.

"This is my parent's car," Issac whispered.

Chapter 43

I was speechless. There were many questions in my head as I stared at the car. I looked over at Issac. He was leaning against the gate, also looking at the car.

"W-what happened?" I whispered. Issac cleared his throat and leaned up. He continued to stare at the car.

"I'm assuming Doll told you how she is my aunt," Issac guessed. I nodded.

"She did,"

"Did she tell you about my parents and uncles?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, she told me it was your story to tell," I answered honestly. He nodded, looking up at me.

"My dad had three siblings. It went, my father, the youngest, Doll, my uncle Caiden, and my… Levi," He began explaining. He had my full attention.
