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Issac grabbed my hair, yanking my head towards his, and his eyes burned into mine.

"Don't look away or close your eyes," he growled.

"Issac, I-I" I tried forming a sentence but couldn't. I came clenching around Issac, my body shaking uncontrollably.

"Fuck," he groaned. He kept thrusting into me, his jaw clenched, and his breathing became harder. He leaned down to the crook of my neck and bit down on me with a groan as he slowed down, pumping into me.

"Issac!" I screamed, reacting to the bite. His thrusts came to a stop.

"Holy fuck," he groaned into my neck. Both of us were panting hard. He leaned up off me and slid off the bed. He made his way to his bathroom. I heard the shower turn on, then saw him walk back and towards me with a smile. "Join me"

Chapter 42

Issac scooped me off the bed. Lingering pain surged through my entire body. He walked into the bathroom, where the water was already warm, and steamed up the shower glass and mirrors. Issac stepped into the shower, gently setting me down to where only his body was under the water before he pulled me into his chest with a tight hug.

My cheek rested against his chest; my arms wrapped around him, with my hands lying against his back. His chin rested in the crook of my neck while his arms wrapped around me, holding me in place against him. My body was still shaking and tense until the pressure and warmth of the water hit my skin. I relaxed, letting out a quiet breath. His back muscles relaxed under my hands. He pulled away, grabbing my face, and pulling it up to his. His hands were on my cheeks. He leaned in, giving me a gentle kiss. His hand slid down from my cheek to my shoulder, where my scar was. His finger tenderly traced it.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. I pulled away, looking at him, confused. His eyes were on my scar. I grabbed his hand that was tracing it. I looked at him and smiled.

"Don't be," I said, shaking my head. I'll never forget that scar and how it got there, but that's not Issac's fault.

We bathed and messed around, causing soapy bubbles to float everywhere. Issac grabbed my hand, helping me step out of the shower. He wrapped me in a big fluffy towel, drying me off. He's being so gentle. Then, after he finished drying me off, he slipped one of his shirts on me and put on a pair of sweats. Finally, we walked back into the bedroom. His cut was on the floor, the bedding and pillows scattered everywhere. We both looked at each other. I blushed as he chuckled.

"We should probably fix that if we wanna sleep," Issac said, pointing to the bed.

"Yeah, maybe," I agreed jokingly. Issac walked around the bed and began pulling everything off. Once it was just the sheet left, we saw spots of red scattered on it. My face lit on fire. That's embarrassing, I thought to myself. "Sorry," I said, biting a nail. Issac laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not worried about it. I needed to wash it anyway" he winked at me as he ripped the sheet off. He walked to his closet, grabbed a new sheet, and made the bed.

After the bed was made and both of us crawled in and got comfortable, it wasn't long before we passed out.

"You're my world; you know that, right?" Issac said, twisting a piece of my hair in his fingers. Then, rolling over the look at him, smiling, I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"I've heard," I winked. He raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"Really?" He said, beginning to sit up while tickling me.

"Issac! Stop it. I don't want to hurt you again!" I said, struggling and laughing.

"I'm a risk-taker," He laughed. But I accidentally kicked him in the stomach, pushing him back. "Shit," He groaned.

"I told you!"

"Yeah, yeah, shush. Get dressed; we gotta run to Horizon to pick up some parts," he said, tossing me a shirt.

We both got ready and headed down to the bar.

"Morning, Doll," I said, kissing her on the cheek as I walked by her.

"Good morning, darlings. Off so soon?" She asked.

"Gotta pick up parts from Horizon," Issac said, turning around and walking through the garage door backward.

"Ah, be safe, and don't drive like a dumbass!" She yelled as we walked out. Both of us laughed as we walked to his truck.

"Have I told you this is a nice truck?" I said, jumping in.

"I believe you have," he said, starting it. "In fact, I think you like this truck more than me."
