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His free hand glided down my body and to the hem of my shirt. His cold hand slipped under and slid to my waist, pulling me closer. He broke the kiss to kiss my chin to where his hand was placed on my throat. He moved it to the side so he could get access to it.

He gently kissed and nibbled, his hand digging into my waist. I tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck more to him. His nibbles became light bites, and the hand on my waist traveled up and under my bra. He pinched my nipple, then massaged my breast. I let a little groan of pleasure slip through my lips. I allow my hand to slowly glide down the front of him to the top of his pants. He froze and looked down as I tugged on his belt. He looked up and into my eyes.

I could see the hunger in his eyes. I grinned, and so did he. He quickly pulled me away from the wall and tossed me onto the bed. He stalked over and yanked me to the edge by my thighs. He stood between my legs and leaned down. His face is hovering over mine. He lowered himself down to my ear.

"I'll try to be gentle," he whispered with a grin. He hovered his face over mine. I leaned up a little, our lips centimeters away from one another.

"Okay," I whispered, giving him a small smile and placing my lips on his. He returned the kiss by pushing me back down onto the bed. I gripped onto the hem of his shirt, yanking at it. He stood up, slipping his cut-off shirt and tossing them behind my head on the bed. Staring at the art spread across his body, I reached out slowly, tracing one. As I did, he stood staring at me.

He placed his hand on my hip and then moved it up. He grabbed my shirt's hem, pulled it over my head, then yanked my bra off, revealing my naked body covered in inked art. I tried hiding my body by placing my arms over the top of my chest as he tossed my shirt. Both of us still have our lower half in clothing. He looked down at me and placed his hands on the bed on both sides of my body.

"What are you doing?" he said, tilting his head with a smile. I opened my mouth for a second, thinking.

"Cold," I lied. He raised his eyebrows and hummed. His eyes began scanning the upper half of my body. He placed his fingers on the tattoo on my sternum and traced it up to where my arms were covering. My sternum tattoo went in between my breasts and spread across my chest.

"Can I see the rest?" he asked, still tracing the ink. My heartbeat rapidly, and I slowly uncovered my chest. The air hitting my nipples instantly makes them hard. My arms now covered my face as I turned my head away. I was still very insecure about my body, plus I hadn't done this only onceā€¦ two years ago. His fingers traced up the valley of my breasts, then up to my neck. He gently grabbed my chin and arms. He peeled my arms away from my face and made me look at him. "Don't hide from me. You're breathtaking," he whispered to me.

Slowly placing my hands to the side, he leaned back and took in my body. He bit his lip, then stepped back. Then, without warning, he yanked my pajama shorts off me, leaving my thong on. He fumbled with his belt. I quickly grabbed it, unlatched it, then unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them. His hardness became visible.

While sliding his jeans off, he pushed me back down on the bed. He leaned down, kissing my lips, then my jaw, down to my neck. As he made his way down to my collarbone, he left small bites behind. His left hand gripped one of my breasts with a hard squeeze. I let out a gasp. Then his mouth met my free breast, and he took the nipple into his mouth. His tongue danced around it, then gently bit it.

My back arched. He squeezed my other breast with his hand and then abandoned it. His hand traced down to the top of my thong resting on my hip, then down between my thighs. He slowly rubbed me from the outside of my thong. "Hm, wet already?" he whispered, letting go of my nipple and coming back up for a kiss. Then, as our lips crashed, his fingers moved my thong to the side. He slowly felt my sweet spot up, getting himself familiar with it. I shivered under his body.

He pushed his finger between my slit, continuing to spread my wetness around. I moaned into our heavy kiss and dug my nails into his arms; he hissed in pain as I did, but he didn't stop me. He found my bundle of nerves and began rubbing quickly. My body started twitching uncontrollably. I went to grab his wrist to slow him down, but he stopped me with his free hand. He grabbed my hands in his large grip and held them above my head while he kept a quick pace on my nerves.

"I-I can't, fuck. " I was trying to figure out what words to say, but the sensation was taking over. He began slowing his finger down and looked up at me. He grinned slightly, and two fingers plunged into me with a quick thrust. I gasped loudly, letting out a small yelp. His fingers started thrusting in and out while simultaneously rotating his wrist. I wiggled under his large frame, the high was building up, and my mind raced. I bent my legs, pushing my heels closer to my butt. My release came quickly. Issac sped up after noticing my movement.

"I-Issac," I moaned just as I released. My legs shook lightly. Issac and I were breathless, and he pulled his fingers out while letting my hands-free from above my head. I went to sit up, but he pushed me back down and glared at me. He slowly put the fingers that were just in me in his mouth, licking them clean. He grinned, grabbing under my knees and yanking me back to the edge of his bed. He grabbed onto the hem of my thong and ripped it off, catching me off guard.

He quickly knelt and then pinned my legs against me, so my thighs were touching my chest. I held my breath as I felt his breath against my sweet spot. He lowered his lips, slowly grazing against me, making me shiver. Then he dove in, sucking slowly, moving his tongue in a pleasuring pattern, hitting every sensitive spot. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled on it. I felt him groan in between my thighs. His grip on the back of my thighs tightened. A loud moan slipped out of me while a knock was at the door. I froze, but Issac didn't. I don't know if he didn't hear the knock or just ignored it. Whoever was behind the door knocked again. "Issac" I tugged on Issac's hair, trying to get his attention. But he didn't stop. He became rougher in between my thighs with his mouth. I slammed my head against the bed, arching my back, trying to keep my moans in.

I heard the doorknob turn to open. Oh fuck. The door slowly opened. "Issac?" A female voice said while a shadow peered in. Destiny came into view and froze in her tracks, staring at us. The color of her skin disappeared. I couldn't focus on her, as my release was coming again quickly. I whimpered in pleasure as I released. Issac licked everything up and let go of my thighs.

He crawled up my body so that we were now facing to face. He turned his head, looking over his shoulder at Destiny. Issac sighed while turning his face to mine.

"I knew I should've locked the door." his lips locked with mine. We both heard the door slam shut, and he laughed against my lips. While he was distracted, I slid my hand down to his hardness and roughly grabbed it. He flinched and groaned, breaking the kiss to glare at me. I grinned and began rubbing him through his boxers. He gripped my wrist, stopping me. He pulled my hand away and stood back up, leaning over to his nightstand and opening the drawer. He pulled out a condom and put it between his teeth. He pulled down his boxers, letting himself loose. Oh fuck. He ripped open the condom and glided it down his shaft. He crawled up my body and met my lips with a heavy kiss.

"Are you ready?" He asked, breaking the kiss, resting his forehead on mine. I nodded.

"Yeah," I whispered.

Slowly, Issac pushed his body in between my legs. He moved my knees out to open my legs wider. My body involuntarily tensed up, locking my hips in place. "Relax," Issac whispered in my ear. I took a deep breath and tried to get my body to relax. He rubbed his tip between my slit against my bundle of nerves. My body twitched under his, and my hands instantly gripped his biceps, digging my nails in. He caught me off guard with his lips against mine.

Suddenly, I felt him slowly guide his tip in. I gasped, breaking the kiss. Burning and pressure shot through me. My body involuntarily twitched. "Delilah, you need to relax," Issac whispered in my ear as he pushed his face into the crook of my neck.

"I-I'm trying," I breathed out. Issac began nibbling my neck and pushing himself into me simultaneously.

Issac let out a low groan. "Fuck"

"Issac," I whimpered. The pain felt like I was losing my virginity all over again. He continued to thrust in and out slowly. "Fuck, Issac!" The pain subsided and became a pleasure. Issac sat up, stopping.

"What are you doing?!" I asked him, shocked.

"Now that you've adjusted-" he grinned. He lifted me, making me straddle him.

"Oh, fuck," I groaned as he slammed inside of me. He held our bodies close as his pace became quicker, his thrusts harder. I threw my head back with a moan, feeling my orgasm build up as he wrapped his arms around me. I brought my head back up, locking eyes with him. He grinned. He brought his face within inches of mine.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered before placing his lips on mine. He simultaneously switched positions, putting me on my back again. I went to put my hands on his chest, but he grabbed them and held them above my head. I froze as he chuckled. He began pounding into me. I let out a yelp. The sound of our skin connecting, and our heavy breathing filled the room. I felt myself getting close. My body convulsed.
