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"I don't know what to do," I whispered.

"Stay calm. That's what you can do, okay?" He said, looking into my eyes. He quickly pulled me to the side while they passed with the stretcher my mom was attached to. They quickly got her outside and began loading her. I pushed past.

Ryan began digging through the key holder, looking for my mom's car keys.

"Hey, you can't drive like this," Ryan said, grabbing my hand.

"try to stop me," I said, ripping his hand away.

"We gotta go, Ryan!" someone yelled from the ambulance.

"I'll be behind you!" Ryan shouted back. He grabbed the keys from me and ran to the ca. II followed behind him.


Running behind the paramedics into the hospital, a nurse stopped me.

"We need you to fill out paperwork; please follow us."

"But, my mom," I said, trying to walk again. She stopped me.

"We're going to help her, please, come with me," she said, leading me away from the ER doors.

I sat impatiently in the ER waiting room. My legs were bouncing up and down. I looked at my phone again, checking the time and if my dad had called me back. I sighed. I looked around the crowded waiting room, then to the double doors.

"Fuck," I mumbled, putting my face in my hands, trying to take a deep breath. My hands snapped away as I heard the doors open. Ryan was walking through them. I jumped up and sprinted toward him.

"What's happening? Is she okay? Do they know what happened?" I bombarded him with questions. He was looking down, then looked up. He grabbed my elbow to walk me somewhere.

"Come in here," he said. I got angry and ripped my arm away and yelled at him. The waiting room went quiet.

"No! Tell me, Ryan!" He was turned away from me. "Ryan!" I screamed. He slowly turned to me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Del," He whispered, reaching a handout to me. My heart dropped.

"No, no," I said, confused. "No, she's?"

"Del," Ryan said, slowly walking towards me with his hands still. I laughed nervously, tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Ryan, no. This can't," I was babbling. I was stepping backward.

"Delilah," Ryan whispered, directly in front of me.

"No. No. No!" I screamed, pushing him away. I looked around, and everyone was staring. Looking back at Ryan, his tears were also falling. "No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.


My body jolted up, my head throbbing. I began looking around quickly, recognizing where I was. I was in Issac's room. I heard light breathing. I looked to my left, seeing Issac wrapped in a blanket and sitting in a leather chair.

"Issac?" I whispered. His body moved a bit. "Issac?" I whispered louder. He twitched awake.

"Delilah?" He said, jumping up and walking to the bed. He sat on the edge and turned towards me.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up more. He leaned back and pulled something out of his cut pocket. He tossed whatever he grabbed onto the bed. I looked at what it was.

"You tell me," he said, pointing to Isaiah's knife. My heart dropped. "You came running to me, then passed out. This slid out of your pocket." I did nothing but stare at the knife.

"I don't remember," I whispered.
