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"Look over there," he said, grabbing my head and turning it to my left. He covered my ears, and I couldn't hear anything. I placed my hands on his, worried.

"Issac, what are you-" Before I could finish, a flash of colorful lights flew towards the sky and burst into colors. The explosion shook my body. "Fireworks?" I said, staring as more began to fly into the sky. Issac let go of my ears, swung over the wall, and sat next to me.

"I covered your ears, so the first one didn't scare you. " He smiled. I was speechless. I looked back towards the night sky that was being lit up.

"This is why you brought me up here?" I asked. He nodded his head. I smiled and leaned against his shoulder. I just realized the temperature had gone down, and I was shivering.

"Cold?" He asked, looking away from the firework show.

"A little," I laughed. He slipped his cut off, then his hoodie. He wrapped it around me, putting my arms through it, and then zipped it up. He put his cut back over his black long-sleeved shirt and sat back down next to me. "Thank you," I said, leaning my head against his shoulder again and continuing to watch the fireworks. Issac turned to look at me, and we both smiled. Issac's hand made its way to my cheek, and his face came closer to mine. Our lips brushed against each other, then they finally met.

The kiss started gently and then started to escalate. Issac slipped his tongue into my mouth. I placed my hand on his cheek and turned myself towards him more. Before I knew it, he grabbed my hips and put me on his lap, making me straddle him. He squeezed my ass hard, then bit my lip. I let out a little moan. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He broke the kiss, moved his lips to my neck, and traced my neck with nibbles and sloppy kisses. He squeezed my ass again, making me sit straight, grinding on him.

"Fuck," He groaned in a whisper, pulling away from my neck. He pulled my chin to make me look at him. We both smiled and let out a little laugh. "Oh, the fireworks ended," Issac pointed out, so I turned to look. They were indeed over. I climbed off Issac's lap. We both stood up and adjusted our clothes. "We should probably get back to the club. " He smiled, clearing his throat.

"Yeah," I said with a smile. I turned and began walking towards the door when Issac grabbed my arm and spun me around into him. He grabbed my cheek and kissed me again. He pulled away from the kiss with a smile.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand, and we went back into the gym.

We got to the end of the stairs. "Hey, I gotta pee," I said, letting go of his hand.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" He asked, turning towards me. I shook my head. He pointed to the girl's locker room.

"Ah, make sense," I said, tapping my head.

"I'll be waiting near my bike," he said as he kissed my forehead and made his way to the door. My cheeks began to heat up. I quickly entered the locker room and peeked around the corner to find the bathroom stalls. Then I went into a stall and peed.

I heard the locker room door open again. I rolled my eyes. After finishing up, I opened the stall door and walked over to the sinks. I started washing my hands. I looked into the mirror and saw I was still in Issac's hoodie. I smiled a little. I turned the sink off and grabbed some paper towels to dry my hands. Didn't someone come in? I thought to myself as I threw away the paper towels. Just as I turned towards the door, Evelyn appeared.

"Uh, hi," I said, stopping in my tracks.

"Isaiah warned you, Delilah," she said, stepping towards me. I tilted my head, confused.

"Pardon?" I said, taking a step back. She took another step toward me and flipped open a knife. My heart dropped.

"Evelyn, look. I haven't said anything," I said, holding my hands up. She started backing me into where the stalls were. Shit

"How do we know that? You've become a little too close to my brother than I like," a voice echoed from behind me. Isaiah. I took a deep breath and tried not to show them any fear. Isaiah came up behind me and grabbed me from under my armpits, lifting me and pulling me backward.

I began kicking and trying to wiggle out of his grip. He pushed himself against a wall and held onto me tighter. Evelyn started to walk toward me with the knife.

"Isaiah, stop," I grunted out. Evelyn got closer and closer by the second.

"What's wrong, Delilah? I'm just trying to play with fire," he growled in my ear, tightening his grip. "And maybe I'll stomp it to ashes."

Evelyn was closer than I wanted her to be. Without thinking, I pushed my legs up, using Isaiah's grip to my advantage. I kicked my legs out, hitting Evelyn, sending her to the ground, hitting her head. She didn't move. She dropped the knife during her fall, and it skidded into the locker area.

"You bitch! " Isaiah hissed in my ear. He went to move, but I swung my head back, hitting him. He grunted. I swung my head back once more with more force. "Fuck!" This time he yelled and let me go. I stumbled forward and grabbed the back of my head in pain. Isaiah was holding his face as blood poured through his fingers.

"Shit," I whispered to myself. I jumped over Evelyn's unconscious body and ran into the locker room, snatching up the knife. I ran to the door and tried the handle, but it wasn't budging. I looked down and noticed it was locked. I quickly unlocked it and stumbled out. My head throbbed more and more. Closing the large knife, I slid it into my pants and tried to run out to the parking lot. My vision faded as I got out of the building and closer to the parking lot. I saw Issac leaning against his bike.

"I-Issac!" I tried to shout. "Issac!" I cried once more before losing my balance and falling to the ground.


Chapter 40

"Mom? I'm home!" I said, walking through the old creaky screen door. I slipped off my riding boots and then walked further into the house. "Is dad home yet?" I asked, releasing my hair from its bun. Then I realized I hadn't heard answers from my mom yet, and the house was eerily quiet. "Mom?" I said, peering through doorways. Was she outside? I didn't see her when I was walking in.
