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I began petting one of the horses; she was a beautiful brown and white paint. This made me miss home, my horses, my mom, my aunt, and most importantly, my dad. I sighed, gave her a few more ear scratches, and then walked away. I haven't seen any of the guys since the fundraiser started. They're probably helping with booths or who knows what. I started walking back to the food booth Doll was running when I heard a loud bark from behind me.

Confused, I turned to see Theo running full speed towards me. Oh shit, this means two things. One, I'm about to be tackled to the ground, and two, Nathan's here. Theo skidded to a stop before me and sat waiting for me to greet him. I scanned around for Nathan but didn't see anything. I bent down and gave Theo a hello scratch. "What are you doing here, buddy? Where's your dad?" I asked, while petting him.

"Theo! Damn it. There you are! " Right on cue, Nathan yelled, jogging towards us in his uniform. I stood up straight, and Theo sat still at my feet. Nathan reached us, slightly out of breath. "Delilah, hey"

"Hey, lose something?" I asked, pointing at Theo.

"I guess so. I let him out of the cruiser and went to grab his leash, but he was already gone. He must've known you were here." He laughed. I nodded, letting out a small awkward laugh.

"You look nice," he said with a smile.

"Uh, thanks," I said, returning a smile. This is so awkward. Why me?

"Are you busy? Do you have a few minutes to talk?" He asked, looking at me with an apologetic look.

"I am actually; I'm helping with a booth. I was just on my way back," I said, pointing in a random direction. He nodded, looking towards the ground.

"Could we meet up after? I'd like to talk to you and apologize."

"I'm fine. You don't need to. I know you didn't mean it."

"Please, just meet me after if you have time?" He asked, basically begging.

"Um, maybe. But I have to get back. See ya later, Theo," I said, giving him one last pat. I smiled at Nathan and walked away.

Finally, I made it to Doll's booth. "Hi, beautiful! Where ya been?" Doll asked, plating food. I walked behind the counter and sat on a stool.

"Just exploring a little. Need help?" I asked.

"No, you're good. Just sit there and keep me company, will ya? My boys are out there somewhere being dragged around and abused by kids," she said, laughing.

"Alright," I laughed. She finished making plates for the line and handed them off. Once the line was gone, she pulled a stool up next to me and sat down. She half groaned; half sighed.

"I love doing these, but also really fucking hate them at the same time," she said.

"I can imagine. It's crazy here," I said, looking around at all the people.

"Yeah, almost the entire town is here. They have this outside and then indoor activities in the gym," she said, pointing towards a building.

"Gotcha. Did Issac and Isaiah go to this school?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

"And Iris," she said, sitting up straight to crack her back.

"Iris? The Doctor Iris?" I was surprised.

"Yep, she's Issac's and Isaiah's sister."


"I thought I told you?" she said, looking at me, confused.

"Oh my God, no!"

"Oh, well, she is. I raised her alongside the boys. She was the only smart one and got out of the repeating family pattern."

"Oh… Woah,"

"She's the big sister. I'm glad she got out when she did. I don't know if her parents would be proud of her, but I am," Doll said, smiling.
