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"Oh fuck my life," I groaned.

"Need some help?" I heard a voice say behind me. I almost fell from being started. I turned and looked to see who the voice belonged to. Jay. Oh, this is gonna be awkward.

"Jesus, you scared me," I said, placing my hand over my chest.

"My bad," He laughed. "I was passing by and saw you were kinda struggling up there."

"Uh yeah, heels, ya know," I said, pointing to my boots.

"Here," he said, sliding over the counter. He held his hand up to help me down. I grabbed his hand and began lowering myself. I slipped a little, and his free hand flew to my rescue, but his hand touched the lower part of my back where my shirts had bunched up. The feeling sent chills through me.

"Thanks," I said, adjusting myself. He hopped onto the shelf and slightly turned to me. I looked up at him, confused.

"Start handing them to me," he said, pointing to the box of plushies.

"Oh, you don't need to do that, Jay," I said, shaking my head.

"I wasn't asking," he said, holding his hand out, waiting. So, I walked over to the box, grabbed a few, and returned to Jay.

"Thank you," I said, waiting to hand him another.

"No problem, it gives a chance to catch up," he said, holding his out for another plushie.

"Oh?" I said, handing a fish to him. "I thought you were avoiding me, which I would completely understand."

"No, I wasn't. I just haven't been around, and Evelyn."

"Ah," I said, handing him a cow this time.

"Yeah, she heard a lot about you. Because that's all Doll and Issac talked about."

"They did?" I asked curiously.

"Yep. anyway, she knows a lot. Maybe a little too much."

"I'm assuming too much is us?"


"Gotcha, so that's why her first interaction with me when she learned my name was fantastic."

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"No worries, but hey, congrats on the baby," I said, handing him another cow. He kind of froze up. He sighed, grabbing the cow.

"Yeah, thanks. So, fill me in; where ya been?"

After filling him in on where I'd been, we finished the booth. "I'm gonna go see if Doll needs help with the food and stuff," I said, pointing towards where Doll was set up.

"Hey," he said, stopping me.

"Here, you can text me at this number whenever," he said, handing me a piece of paper. I looked at him, kind of surprised.

"Don't worry. It's my club cell; she doesn't go through that one." And with that, he walked off. I just stood in place, replaying the interaction I just had in my head over and over.

Chapter 39

I walked through the maze of booths, watching kids run around with toys, snacks, or crazy animal balloons. I came out to an opening and saw a corral with two horses and a pony. I smiled slightly. I walked over and looked at the sign that said Pony Rides.
