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"Well, I'm ready," I said, pushing past him and walking to the stairs, swinging my hips as I went. What am I doing?

I got to the bar area, where I saw Doll giving the guys directions on where to load things up.

"I'm not coming back, so you guys better not forget anything!" She shouted. She turned towards me, giving me a huge smile. "Oh my, oh my, you look beautiful, babe!"

"Thank you," I said shyly, hugging her.

"We're almost ready. We like to get there about an hour and a half early so we can set up the game stands and stuff. " She smiled. She started directing the guys again. I nodded, looking around, watching them scattering everywhere. I saw a figure come into my vision. Issac walked around me, brushing his hand against my lower back. He looked over his shoulder and winked. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Do you want me to grab anything?" I asked Doll. She swung around to look at me.

"The guys got it. That's what they're here for," she smiled, nudging her elbow into me. I laughed and agreed.

After the guys got everything packed away into the van and Doll's car, we were ready to leave. "Ready?" Doll asked me.

"Yes, ma'am," I smiled, nodding. We walked out to the parking lot, where all the bikes began roaring, making the ground convulse. I couldn't hear anything until my ears adjusted to the noise. I was looking at the guys all talking next to their bikes until my eye made contact with Jay's. Shit. I quickly looked away and continued walking with Doll towards her car. Suddenly, I felt someone tugging on my arm, stopping me. I turned to look.

"Wanna ride with me?" Issac asked, letting go of my arm and turning to Doll.

"You're gonna steal my partner in crime?! What the hell?!" she laughed.

"Hey! I didn't even say yes yet," I pointed out.

"Yet?" Issac said with a grin. I gave him a slight glare.

"I'm fucking with ya. I'll meet you guys there. Wear a helmet and hold on tight," she said, smiling at me. "Issac, don't drive like a dumbass"

"Yes, mom," he said back with an annoyed tone. "Shall we?" He asked, holding his hand out for mine. I laughed and shook my head. I grabbed his hand, and he led me over to the guys and the roaring bikes. I definitely can't hear shit now. I tried popping my ears as we walked by them.

"Holy fuck! How are you not deaf?!" I yelled to Issac.

"You get used to it!" He yelled back; at least, I think that's what he said. We got to his bike. It didn't look familiar. Maybe this is new too? He grabbed his cut hanging on the handlebars and slid it on, then handed me a helmet, and slowly my ears adjusted to the noise again.

"Thank you," I said, grabbing it, then he handed me a pair of sunglasses. I grabbed them, confused. He leaned into me and brought his lips to my ear.

"For the sun silly and the bugs."

"Bugs?!" I yelled into his ear, and he shot back, laughing.

"Just put them on. We gotta go. " He smiled. I shook my head, putting them on. Issac helped me put on the helmet and adjusted it to my head. He got on the bike and went to help me, but stopped when his bike turned off. I looked up and saw Isaiah holding his hand over a button.

"What?" Issac asked, leaning forward onto the bike's handlebars.

"Whatcha doing?" Isaiah asked in a dark tone. Issac shook his head and turned back toward helping me on the bike. Once I was on, he helped me get comfortable, grabbed my calves, pulling me closer to him, almost smashing my face off his back.

"Going to set up the fundraiser that you're going to be fashionably late to," Issac spat.

"I'm taking care of some things. But that's not what I meant," He hissed. Issac pointed behind him toward me.

"Oh her? She's helping Doll. Doll's car was full, so she was riding with me. Now, if you don't mind," he said, standing a little and starting the bike up again. My entire body began vibrating.

"We got a fundraiser to set up for!" Issac shouted at Isaiah over the bike's roar. Isaiah grinned and stepped away from the motorcycle, crossing his arms. He stared at me, basically staring into my soul. Issac revved his bike and looked behind him at the guys. They were all on their bikes, ready.

Issac held up his hand, giving a signal, then drove. I held onto Issac as he made his way out of the garage parking lot. Hearing all the bikes revving behind us and watching as people stared as we went by made me feel powerful. I suddenly let go of Issac's waist and held my arms out, and I saw Issac look back in his mirror and smile. I tilted my head back and just let the wind flow over me.

We finally got to the school. We pulled into what looked like the gym parking lot where an enormous field was—assuming a soccer or football field. Issac switched off his bike and kicked out the stand. He swung his leg over and helped me off. I took my helmet off and grabbed the hairs stuck in it. Doll pulled in behind us, and so did the club van. After talking about the plans on what booth was what, we got to work.

I was setting up a booth that was the classic Milk Bottle Knockdown. I hung the stuffed animal prizes on the back of the booth. Soon I had to stand on a shelf to reach the top of the wall. "Oh, wearing these heeled boots was a bad idea," I said to myself as I stood up on the shelf and began wobbling.
