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"Pretty good," we said simultaneously and began laughing. Issac laughed for a second, then stood up.

"Alright, I'm gonna shower, eat, then head to bed. I'm tired as fuck," he said, walking towards the stairs.

"Hey! When you go to find something to eat, don't touch any of the wrapped shit we made today!" Doll yelled to him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he mumbled halfway up the stairs.

"Well, here's to tomorrow," Doll said, looking at me holding her drink up."

"Cheers," I said as our drinks clinked together.

Chapter 38

"Ugh, fuck," I mumbled, rolling out of Issac's bed. Ugh, fuck is my usual morning saying? I stood up slowly and made my way to the bathroom. Before I could even shut the bathroom door, my phone began ringing. "Who the fuck?" I trotted over to the bed, grabbing it. It was Dina, finally.

"Hey, Dina!" I answered.

"Hey girl, I just got your message. I was out of service all day yesterday," she said, kind of quiet.

"No worries, I just wanted to let you know my car was done, and I'll be heading up on Sunday, '' I said, plopping back onto Issac's bed. Ugh, it's so softtttt

"Del, I'm so sorry. I left yesterday. I couldn't wait any longer, or I would owe the hotels for late fees," she began explaining. My heart dropped. "I'm so sorry. I was going to call you and let you know, but I had to rush out."

"No, no, don't apologize. I completely understand."

"You sound sad."

"No! No! I'm okay."

"So, what are you gonna do?"

"I'm not quite sure yet. I'll probably go back home. It's been an adventure already,"

"Where are you staying? Another Motel?"

"Um, no, actually. A friend let me crash at their place."

"Well, I'm glad you're somewhere safe."

"Hah, yeah," I mumbled.

"What? I can't hear you?"

"I said yeah! Totally,"

"Del, I think I'm losing service. I'll text you! Love you,"

"Love you too," I said, dropping my phone onto the bed. My hand flung to my face, covering it. After taking a deep breath and sliding my hand down my face, I walked back to the bathroom.

I showered, brushed my teeth, added a bit of makeup to my face, and did a cute half-up, half-down look with my hair. I slid on a pair of black, torn high waist jeans. I put on a black tank top, followed by a long-sleeved lace black top. Jeez, you look like you're going to a funeral. I thought to myself. Oh well. I finally finished the look with a pair of knee-high, black-heeled boots.

I stared in the mirror for a few minutes. Why am I putting so much effort into myself right now? I took in my curvy, tattooed figure, then smiled a little. I grabbed my phone and a leather jacket and headed for the door, opening it, instantly running into a brick wall of a person.

"Jesus," Issac said, back up a bit from my slight push. He then looked up at me, then down my figure.

"Hey," I said, snapping my fingers and getting his attention away from my boobs.

"I was; I was coming to see if you were ready. " He stuttered and smiled, letting out a chuckle.
