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Kat pushed off whoever was holding her. "This bitch has been keeping Issac from me! I haven't seen him in a fucking week!" she yelled, pointing at Destiny.

"You think I wanna be around that murderer!?" Destiny yelled back. "Did everyone forget he offed my fucking husband!?" Everyone in the bar went quiet, and Doll cleared her throat.

"Since when have you and Issac been a thing?" Doll asked, crossing her arm and leaning on her hip. Kat rolled her eyes.

"We started talking again like a month ago. We've been hanging out, fucking” she said while looking at Destiny. "And he's been staying at my place. But now he's not coming over anymore, and when I get here in the morning to open, he's already here! And avoids me!" She squealed, getting upset.

"He's been staying here, girls. Neither of you is a thing with him. If you were, he would've told me," Doll said, pointing to herself. "Now, are you here to help for tomorrow or to break more of my shit!?" Both of them calmed down and looked at Doll.

"I'm here to help, but keep her away from me if she's staying to help, too," Destiny said, pointing at Kat. Kat gave her a dirty look and said something, but Doll cut it short.

"If you wanna stay and help Katrina, I suggest you shut your mouth and be useful," she said in a slightly frightening tone. "Now both of you, clean this fucking shit up and stay the fuck away from each other. All of this is coming outta y'alls pay. Adian, Gabe, watch these two," Doll said, turning on her heel to head back into the kitchen. "Let's go, Del."

"Del?" Destiny spoke up, drawing everyone's attention to me. Especially Kat's. I turned to look at her. She began walking toward me; suddenly, I felt a searing pain spread across my cheek. She slapped me and slapped me HARD. I held myself in place and clenched my jaw. I definitely didn't see that coming. Within a second, Adian and Gabe grabbed her. She was screaming, but I couldn't understand what she was saying because my ears were still ringing. Soon my hearing came back, and I could understand her screams.

"Why is she here!? She got my husband killed! If anyone is the whore, it's her!" Doll pushed past me and stood in front of me. She grabbed Destiny's chin with her hand and got in her face.

"If you ever step foot in this clubhouse again, I'll slit your throat myself," Doll hissed. She flipped a pocketknife out and held it in Destiny's view so she could see it. "You're fucking fired. You will not be getting your last paycheck cause it's going to cover the damages you caused here today. Now get the FUCK out!" Doll screamed, letting go of her face. Destiny stumbled backward out of Adrain's and Gabe's grip. She rushed over to her purse, grabbing it. She gave everyone one last look before leaving.

Doll spun me, gently touching my face.

"I'm okay," I said, smiling at her.

"Sweetheart, I am so sorry," she whispered. Her head snapped towards Kat, who was staring at us. "I suggest you start doing something before I freak the fuck out again," she spat at her. She turned back to me. I grabbed her hands.

"Let's finish up the cooking. Shall we?" I smiled.


"Finally, everything is done," Doll groaned, walking over to the table we were sitting at. We had the clubhouse all to ourselves. She slid a Redbull over to me as she sat down. She kicked her feet up onto the table. "That's more than I made last year!" She said, taking a sip of her whiskey.

"Jesus, it's only like eight o'clock, so we made good timing," I laughed.

"Honey, we started at six this morning when the stores opened."

"Okay, you're right. But! At least we have the rest of the night to chill."

"Now that, I'll cheer too," she said. We clanked our drinks together and took a sip. "I'm sorry about what happened with Destiny," she said, but I stopped her. I grabbed her hand that was on the table and held it.

"Listen, I'm okay. Really, I am. Don't worry about me."

"You've been through so much since you got here, and I feel terrible."

"Doll, I'm fine. I've been through worse, and it's made me strong. Remember that." I smiled at her. She smiled back and took another sip of her drink.

"Well, let me tell ya, babe, you took that slap like a damn champ. Ya barely moved," she said, laughing.

"Yeah, well. I was trying to process what had just happened and then how to stay calm."

"Oh, babe. I would've pummeled her into the ground if that were me."

"Oh, I know you would." We laughed together for a minute until we heard the clubhouse door open.

Issac walked in; he threw his keys onto the table and sat down with us. He looked at me and quickly leaned forward to look at my cheek. "What happened?" He said, panicking.

"I'm fine. We got it sorted out," I said, looking over at Doll with a smile.

"Alright, I won't ask then," he said, holding up his hands. He leaned back in the chair and sighed. "All the tables and stuff are set up for tomorrow. We just gotta bring and unpack the prizes and games and shit," he said while stretching. "Other than whatever you two sorted out, how was your day?" Doll and I looked at each other.
