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"Do I look like Issac?" Doll said with a smile.

"Oh hey, I'm sorry," I said. I tossed a shirt into a bag.

"Leaving?" Doll asked, walking up to the bed and sitting.

"Yep," was all I could push out without crying. I hate leaving Doll; She's like my second mother.

"Issac said you were on the shower floor. Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Dammit, Issac," I mumbled. I cleared my throat and spoke up. "I'm alright."

"Del, look at me," Doll said as she stood from the bed. She walked up to me and grabbed the sides of my face gently. She scanned my neck to see the Bruise. I saw her eyes gloss over.

"I'm okay, Doll," I whispered. She shook her head.

"No, no, you're not Del. What happened? Don't tell me nothing."

"I-I can't,"

"You can't what, babe?"

"I can't,"

"Delilah, did Isaiah hurt you?" She asked, her voice trembling. I squeezed my eyes shut, so the tears didn't escape. "Delilah, you tell me right now!" she shouted. I can't lie to her…

"He'll hurt him," I broke, and the tears and whimpers escaped.

"Who's gonna hurt who? Talk to me, Delilah," she said, bringing me over to the bed where we sat.

"Doll, I can't. People will get hurt because of me."

"Nobody will get hurt, Delilah!"

"Yes, they will!"


I looked at Doll. I was so sad. I shook my head and covered my face with my hands. "Fuck!" I whimpered. Tell her.

"He said he would hurt Issac if I said anything," I cried, bringing my head up. Doll rubbed my back.

"Who? Isaiah?" I nodded, and Doll froze. "Why would he say that? What happened?" I sniffled and took a deep breath.

"I caught him and Evelyn kissing in the storage room. He caught me catching them,"

"So he threatened to hurt Issac if you told anyone?" She asked. I could see a slight fear in her eyes. I nodded.

"Not just hurt him, Doll. Kill him,"

Chapter 37

"I have to leave, Doll," I said, standing up. "It's better for everyone if I do." I began picking at my nails, letting a few tears escape. "I'm waiting to hear from my cousin, and I'll be gone."

"Delilah, don't let his empty threats scare you. He's just spewing bullshit," Doll said, standing up and spinning me around to face her.

"I don't think it's bullshit," I said, sniffling and looking into her amber eyes. Her shoulders drooped, and she went to speak, but the echo of a knock on the door caught our attention. She looked back at me and then at the door again. She took a deep breath and walked over to it.

"What?" she yelled sternly, but I could tell she was shaken up about the information she had just learned. She leaned into the door to listen, then she quickly opened it, letting Issac walk into the room, and he was pissed.
