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"That's not why I'm looking for him. Delilah's leaving," I explained.

"What? Why? I didn't think her car was finished. I didn't get the paperwork."

"That's because I didn't put it in. I finished it yesterday. That's not the point right now. I just checked on her, and she was on the floor in the shower passed out."

"What?! Is she okay?" Doll whispered loudly.

"I don't know. But she has Isaiah's ring design imprinted on her neck."

"What?!" Doll shouted. She went to walk away, I'm assuming, to confront Isaiah, but I stopped her.

"Don't. I'll take care of it. Just check on her in a few and try to stall her. " Doll nodded in agreement, and I walked away. I walked into my office to find Isaiah on the phone.

"Ugh, gotta go, sweeties. Love you," he said as he hung up and threw his phone on the desk. "I was just about to come in and have a drink with everyone!" He said, laughing. I crossed my arms and leaned against the door. Isaiah stood up, walked around the desk, and leaned against it, putting his hand in his pockets. "Uh oh, what's wrong?"

"Have you talked to Delilah today?" I asked. He shook his head no.

"Nope, I only asked Doll where she was. That's how I found out she wasn't feeling well. Why?" He asked. I looked down and noticed a small dark stain on his jeans.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing.

"Oh, this? I caught my leg on a rogue piece of metal while working. So what's up with all these questions, bud?" He asked with a smile.

"You sure you haven't been around Delilah? Cause what I found says otherwise." he smiled and faded into a semi-serious/irritated face.

"What do you mean? Did she say something?" He asked, leaning up from the desk. I shook my head.

"She didn't have to. Your ring indented her neck; what the fuck were you doing?!" I shouted. Isaiah went silent. "So do you wanna be honest with me or?" I said, confronting him. I could tell he was thinking hard.

"Look, I don't know what to say," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"The fuck do you mean?! You just fucking lied to me, and now you're not giving me anything? What the fuck happened, Isaiah? I'm not asking again," I warned. Instead, he sighed and bit his cheek.

"Alright. Fine, we might have fooled around." My heart beat faster, and I felt my body temperature rise.

"Nah, try again," I said, not taking that response as an answer.

"I'm serious; I wanted to talk to her about you, so I called her into the office. We started talking, and then we started flirting, and one thing led to another, ya know?" He explained.

"She would never, especially with you. So that's why the imprint is on her neck? What'd you choke her out?!" I shouted, and he shrugged his shoulders again.

"Something like that,"

"Isaiah, I'm not fucking around-"

"And neither am I," He hissed.

"There's no way that happened. Not Delilah. She has respect for herself. She wouldn't stoop low for you," I said, walking out and slamming the door. She wouldn't do that, would she?


After I got dressed, I began packing everything. I didn't care about the organization. I was just shoving shit into bags. I want to get out of here. I went into the bathroom to grab the rest of my toiletries when I heard my phone ding. Great, who could that be?

Nathan- Hey, can we meet? I want to apologize for what I did. I'd like to do it face to face if that's okay. So please, please let me know.

I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone on the bed. Then, just as it landed, there was a knock on the door.

"Jesus Christ, Issac! Leave me alone!" I shouted. I heard the door open, and I swung around.
