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"What happened? You don't look okay," I asked.

"I'm fine. Just tired," she answered, looking away.

"Just tired? So you decided to take a nap on my shower floor with the water running?" she shrugged her shoulders.


"What?! Jesus fucking Christ. I can't just take a shower?" She shouted.

"You can take a fucking shower but not pass out in it when there's a perfectly good bed that your ass is in now," I said, pointing at the bathroom, then the bed. "Something is going on. Nobody sits on a shower floor and chills, Delilah," she glared at me. I was waiting for her answer.

"Can you get out so I can get dressed?"

"No. Tell me what's wrong, and then I'll go."

"Fucking drop it, Issac!"

"No," I said calmly.

"Get out. I want to get dressed," she hissed. I leaned back on my elbow on the bed. I said nothing, just stared back. "Fine. I'll get dressed with you here," she said, about to get up.

She turned her head, and I noticed a bruise forming. I frowned and quickly sat up, grabbing her arm and stopping her. She turned and gave me a dirty look. She tried yanking her arm out of my grip, but I didn't let her go. I grabbed her by the chin, gently tilting her head to get a better look. She gasped and flinched. I brushed her hair away, revealing the bruise. It was a perfect circle. In the middle of the circle were a raven skull and a crown, the same raven skull and crown. Isaiah has on his ring.

After staring at it for a minute, I turned her head, making us almost nose to nose. "Why is there an imprint of Isaiah's ring on your neck?" I asked, trying to stay calm. Her eyes glossed over with tears. She tried pulling her head away, but I didn't let her. "Tell me!" I shouted.

"I can't!" She shouted back. I let go and stood back.


"Because I can't!" She yelled, covering her eyes.

"You can't, or you won't?"

She looked up and glared at me. "Both," she sniffled. "When will my car be ready?"

"What? You're changing the subject to that?" I asked, confused.

"When will it be done?"


"When?!" she shouted. I thought for a moment. I knew I had to tell her.

"We finished it yesterday," I mumbled, but loud enough for her to hear.

"What?" she hissed. "It's been fixed, and you haven't told me?!"

"I was going to tell you today, but I got occupied."

"Are you fucking serious?! I could be at my cousin's by now! What the fuck, Issac?!" I shook my head.


She cut me off. "No. I don't want to hear your bullshit lies about why you didn't tell me. I want you to get the fuck out so I can change," she pointed to the door. "I'm getting my shit, and I'm leaving."

I knew trying to talk to her right now wouldn't get anywhere. I nodded my head and walked out of the bedroom. The anger rose in me. I stormed down to the bar and looked for Isaiah or Doll. Doll was locking up her office. I rushed over to her, startling her. "Where's Isaiah?" I demanded.

"Jesus, he's still in your office, dickhead. Don't worry. I counted and sorted everything," she said, locking her door. I scanned the room to ensure nobody had their attention on Doll and me.
