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I kept thinking to myself. I slowly stood up, using the wall to my advantage. I walked into the bathroom and hesitated to look in the mirror. Then, slowly turning my head, I saw how red my neck was. I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. I opened them again and looked. I noticed a circular indent on the side of my neck; the closer I got, the more I could tell what it was—a raven skull.

I grazed my fingers over it, causing it to burn. I winced in pain. I slammed my fist down on the bathroom counter. "Fuck!" I screamed. I turned and looked at the shower. I began undressing and turned the water on. I slid into the shower and plopped down on my butt, bringing my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around my legs. I rested my head on my knees and closed my eyes; I just needed to rest here for a bit.


I switched off my bike, kicking the standout. Letting it lean slowly, I stood up, grabbing the duffle bag. "Good job today, boys," I said, walking up to them. "This calls for a drink!" I shouted, raising the bag. They all shouted in agreement. We all shuffled our way into the clubhouse, and Doll was standing behind the bar reading a newspaper. "Anything interesting?" I asked, leaning against the bar.

She looked over the newspaper with her eyes without moving her head. "You're not in it yet, so no."

"Oof, thank you for that," I laughed. "Where's Isaiah?" I asked.

"In your office. I haven't talked to him much today. Delilah didn't feel well suddenly, so I've just been hanging out," she said, setting the newspaper down.

"Delilah's sick?" I asked, concerned. Doll nodded. "I'll go check on her after I drop this to Isaiah. Can you sit in there with him as he counts everyone's cut? I don't need him pocketing any of it," I said, holding up the duffle bag. She smiled and nodded again.

"How much?" She asked.

"Fifty," I answered.

We went to the garage and to my office. I didn't bother to knock. I just pushed open the door, and Doll waited outside. Isaiah was sitting behind my desk with his feet on it, scrolling through his phone. I walked over to him, knocked his feet off the desk, and then plopped down the duffle bag. "Fifty thousand. Count everyone's cut and then put the rest into the club's box," I said, cutting the conversation short by turning around to walk out.

"How'd it go?" Isaiah asked. I whipped back around. He had a smirk on his face. He was playing with his president ring my uncle gave him when he took over.

"You'd know if you went."

"Jeez, someone's touchy."

"No, I'm tired, Isaiah. I'm busting ass and doing shit for you. I'm tired of it. Can you at least do the one thing I asked you to do that a Pres does and count everyone's cut?"

"Come on, little bro. Don't be like that," he said, opening the duffle bag and pouring the cash onto the desk.

"Don't think about taking a little extra, either. Doll's gonna count it with you. She already knows how much there is."

"You don't trust me?" Isaiah asked with a little giggle. I glared at him.

"You know the answer," I said, opening the door.

"Oh Issac, tell flower I hope she feels better," he said with a grin. I shook my head and walked out. I gave Doll the okay nod, and she went in.

I returned to the clubhouse, where the guys celebrated our success. I'm glad they're having a good time; they deserve it. I jumped up the stairs and rounded the corner to my room. I knocked twice. "Delilah?" I didn't get an answer. Maybe she's sleeping? I knocked again, this time louder. "Delilah?!" Something in my gut didn't feel right. I tried turning the door handle, but it was locked. I sighed. "Fuck. " I took my knife out, flipped the blade open, and shoved it between the door and the doorframe.

The door slowly creaked open. I pushed myself in, looking around. The room was empty, also a mess. The more I walked in. I could hear the shower running; all the mirrors were fogged up. "Delilah?" I said once more. No answer. "What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. "Delilah!?" I yelled, walking up to the bathroom door and knocking, but still nothing.

I opened the door, peeking in. Delilah was knees to chest on the shower floor, her head resting on her knees. "Delilah!" I yelled, running in. I got into the shower, turning the hot water off. I quickly knelt and picked her head up gently in my palms. "Del? Can you hear me?"

Chapter 36


I quickly grabbed a thick, fluffy towel and wrapped it around her. She groaned as I moved her around to ensure she was covered. I was looking up, so I wasn't looking directly at her. I scooped up her drenched body and plopped her down onto the bed. I opened the covers on the bed and tucked her into them.

"Delilah?" I said, shaking her a little. "Delilah?!" I shouted this time, shaking her again. Her eyes shot open, and she quickly sat up. She was breathing heavily and looking around frantically, finally laying her eyes on me. She felt her chest quickly, realizing she was in a towel.

"Did you do this?" she asked, looking down.

"Yeah, you were on the shower floor, passed out," I explained. She took a deep breath and sighed. Still looking down. "Are you okay?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. She nodded. Something didn't feel right. "Delilah, look at me."

Her head slowly tilted towards me and her tired eyes met mine.
