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"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Doll said, putting her car in park. "I gotta fill out some paperwork and shit," she groaned, resting her head against the steering wheel.

"I can help. A few years ago, I had a fantastic boss who showed me how to do that shit," I said, smiling. She smiled back. We got out of the car, went into the clubhouse, and to Doll's small office. I pulled up a chair, and we got to work.

"Ah, shit," I said as I used the last staple.

"I think there's some in the cabinet's top drawer," Doll said, pointing behind me. I stood up and walked over to it. I looked through it. No luck.

"Nada," I said, turning around. I'll check the storage closet. Got the keys?" I asked, walking back to her desk.

"You remember where it is?" She asked, handing me the keys. I laughed and grabbed the keys.

"Do you not remember how many times you sent me to that damn closet a day?"

She laughed. "You're right. " I turned and walked out of the office. I made my way around the bar and to the back room, where the door to the back parking lot and the storage room were. I took the keys and unlocked the door. I cracked it open and noticed the light was on. I opened the door and was taken aback by what I saw. Isaiah and Evelyn were in a heated make-out session. Evelyn was almost naked, and Isaiah was missing his shirt. They stopped as soon as they noticed me.

"Shit," Isaiah mumbled. I quickly slammed the door and fled back into the bar area. Shit is correct.

Chapter 35

Out of breath, I stood in the bar area, trying to process what I had just seen. I heard a door slam shut from where I had just fled. I quickly trotted into Doll's office. "Any luck with those staples?" She asked with a big smile, looking up at me. I shook my head and swallowed.

"Um, no."

Her smile faded, and she stood up, walking over to me. She put her hand on my elbow and slightly turned me. "You okay, hun? You're so pale."

"I-I'm just not feeling well," I quickly explained, which is partly true, considering what I just saw. Doll put her hand on my forehead.

"Hm, no fever. Why don't you go lay down for a bit? I'll finish this up," she said, rubbing my arm. I didn't protest. I just nodded in agreement. I poked my head out the door and glanced at the bar area to make sure Isaiah or Evelyn wasn't there. As soon as it was clear, I quietly dashed to Issac's room. I entered the room and closed the door, locking it and then leaning against it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

As soon as I opened my eyes, a giant figure was in front of me, a hand wrapped around my throat. Then a cold pinch under my chin. "Scream, and I'll slit your throat." Isaiah's voice revealed the figure's identity. My eyes adjusted and darted to his face.

My hands wrapped around his hand on my throat, holding me against the door. Then my attention drew to the mirror behind him. I could see what he was holding under my chin, a knife. Then my attention went to my pocket where I sat the storage room keys dangling out. I let go of his arm with one hand, grabbed them, then jammed one of the keys into his side.

He hissed and looked at his side. Still holding me against the door, he took his knife hand away and yanked the keys out. He let out a sinister chuckle. "Damn, you stabbed me with my own fucking keys?" He laughed as he threw them on the floor after yanking them out. His hand and keys were covered in blood. His grip on my throat got tighter, and I gasped for air. "You didn't even let me explain why I'm visiting," he explained, bringing the knife back up and under my chin. "Now, fuck, that kinda burns," he groaned. "Fuck. anyway. I'm just here to let you know you didn't see anything in that storage room. You understand?" He asked. I stared at him with a straight face. I opened my mouth and tried to gasp out an answer. "Oh, allow me," he said as he loosened his grip. I finally could take a breath.

"Or?" I sneered. He chuckled. He pressed the knife into my chin, cutting me slightly.

"Or I'll kill my brother in front of you. Slowly. I'll torture him, make him scream, maybe cry. Then, before I kill him, I'll do the same to you and make him watch. Then I'll end you both."

I laughed a little.

"You'll kill your own blood?"

"You're damn right. I will. So let's keep this a secret. Kay?"

I quickly raised my knee, kneeing him in the nuts. His grip loosened enough for me to push him off, and I turned to the door. I was trying to unlock it, but my hands were so shaky. Before I could get away, Isaiah grabbed a handful of my hair and slammed me against the ground. He towered over me and knelt. I was gasping for air as he knocked it out of me by his force to the ground. He put the knife against my throat.

"You're so fucking lucky I'm not going to kill you right now," he hissed.

"Why? Why not get it over with?" I asked. My response surprised him.

"Because my aunt has grown attached to you. Why? I don't fucking know. But I'm not trying to hurt her. So, flower. This is your warning. You understand?" He asked, bringing my face closer to his.

I grinned. I knew I was digging myself a hole. "You're playing with fire," I hissed. The evil smile he had on his face disappeared. He slammed me back down by my throat and let go standing up. He walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it. Before he walked out, he looked over his shoulder.

"Be wary, flower," he hissed, walking out and slamming the door. I sat up and grabbed my throat. I scooted myself against the wall and brought my knees to my chest. Still holding my throat, trying to catch my breath, I felt tears pooling in my eyes. I looked up at the ceiling, resting my head against the wall.

You don't cry anymore, Del. Do. Not Cry.
