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I woke up startled by a loud knock on the door. Then I fumbled around the bed, looking for my phone to check what time it was.

"Delilah?" Issac spoke from the other side of the door. I finally found my phone and checked the time; it was one PM.

"Fuck me!" I groaned, rolling out of bed and stumbling.

"Delilah? You good?" Issac asked, knocking on the door again. Then I quickly grabbed a pair of pajama shorts and slipped them on.

"Yep! Just a sec!" I shouted, looking for a hoodie to throw over my shirt so nobody could tell I wasn't wearing a bra. "God damn it," I mumbled as my hair got caught in the hood as slipped one on. I trotted over to the door and unlocked it, cracking it open. "Hey," I said, out of breath. Issac's eyebrows were raised.

"Hi," He chuckled. I smiled awkwardly.

"Whoa, what's up?" I asked, leaning against the door frame.

He cleared his throat. "Can I shower? I was trying to hold off until you woke up, but I'm covered in shit from working on the cars."

"Oh God, I'm sorry. You could've woken me up, Issac. It's your room," I said, opening the door. He walked past me. He looked around at all the clothes I had knocked on the floor a few minutes before.

"I wanted you to sleep in," he said, walking towards his closet, opening it, and grabbing some clothes. I smiled a little.

"Thank you," I said while looking at his back that was turned towards me. He looked over his shoulder and nodded.

"Hey, is it cool if I get dressed quickly? I'll be outta your hair after," He turned towards me.

"Yeah, I'll wait in the hall" He began walking out. I stopped him.

"You can go into the bathroom and start your shower or whatever. Just shut the door," I said, walking over to my pile of floor clothes. "Just no peeking," I said, winking as I kneeled on the pile.

"No promises," He joked while walking into the bathroom.

I shook my head and dug through the pile. The shower started after I heard the bathroom door close. I sighed, pulling out an outfit and throwing it onto the bed. After getting undressed, I grabbed some fresh clothes.

I squeezed into a pair of black ripped, high-rise skinny jeans, then a white V-neck tank. I threw a black and white plaid button-up over it but left it unbuttoned. I slid on my black biker boots and turned toward the mirror to ensure everything was in place. I rolled up the sleeves of the plaid button-up and nodded. "Good enough. " I quickly put on some mascara and brushed out my hair.

I snuck out of the room and down the stairs into the club. I could hear shouting and laughing, then Doll yelling. Everyone snapped their heads at me as I walked off the last step. "Afternoon, beautiful!" Doll spoke up, walking over to me with a Redbull in her hand. Everyone resumed what they were doing.

"Afternoon," I said, giving her a shy smile. She opened the Redbull handing it to me. "Thank you," I said, grabbing it and taking a sip. Her attention moved behind me. I heard footsteps, then a hand glided across my back, giving me chills. Issac stepped out from behind me.

He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a plain black short-sleeve shirt showing off his ink. He was carrying his cut over his shoulder. "Ladies," he said, giving Doll and me a flashy smile. He walked further into the room. "Alright, headcount!" He shouted, hanging his cut off a chair and sitting on a table.

A few guys came stumbling into the bar area where he was sitting, and the guys in the room turned towards him. "When I call your name, stand up, you know the drill," he said, looking up from his hands. Doll tugged my arm, guiding me to the bar to sit.

"General, Mike, Dev, Kevin," He started; men stood, and I remembered who some of them were. The last time I saw Devin and Kevin, they were prospects. They were also the ones who helped Markus kidnap me. Issac continued, "Aiden, Gabe," two young guys stood up. I assume they were the new prospects. "And finally, Jay," He finished. Everyone looked around; Jay wasn't there. Just as I thought that, the clubhouse door opened. Jay, Isaiah, and Evelyn walked in. "Ah, better late than never, fellas," Isaiah said nothing and continued walking through and towards the stairs.

Jay walked up to Issac, bumped his fist, and stood next to him. Evelyn followed closely behind Jay. "Alright, we got a long day ahead of us; let's get to it," Issac said, standing from the table and clapping. The guys started making their way out of the clubhouse. Jay gave Evelyn a hug and a kiss on the forehead, then joined the guys before leaving. They all had their cuts on.

"I'll be back later. Isaiah's hanging back," Issac spoke up, grabbing my attention. He said to Doll as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at me. I smiled back, but I spoke up before he could walk away.

"What about my car?"

"Uh, it'll probably be done tomorrow," He answered over his shoulder. I nodded. They left, leaving the room quiet. Evelyn stood awkwardly next to the table Issac was sitting at. Doll and I glanced at each other.

"Lunch?" Doll spoke up, and I agreed.

"That was amazing!" I said as we pulled back into the clubhouse. "I haven't had a good pulled pork since my mom was alive."
