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"Hey, it's okay; I'm fine," I smiled. "It's nobody's fault,"

Doll nodded and sighed.

"Alright, let's get you two outta here. We picked up your things, Del," she said, opening her car door. I nodded.

"Thank you," I said, reaching for the door handle, but Issac grabbed it before I could. He opened the door and signaled for me to get in. I climbed in and buckled up. I'm ready for a shower and to pass the fuck out.

We pulled into the garage and parked. I got out and went to grab my things, but Issac got to it first. He grabbed a few things and made his way into the clubhouse. I went to say something, but Doll stopped me. "Just let him; he feels terrible," she sighed and began walking towards the clubhouse. "C'mon, let's get ya something to eat. " I followed behind her.

Issac returned with a few guys and passed us, heading back to the car to get the rest of my things. Doll and I walked into the club. It was quiet. She walked behind the bar, and I sat on a stool, leaning my elbows against it. She pulled out her phone and began dialing a number. "How's pizza sound?" She asked.

"Perfect," I said. The clubhouse door flung open. Issac and the guys walked through with the rest of my stuff and made their way upstairs. Doll ended the call and looked at me.

"They'll be here in about twenty minutes; why don't ya go unpack and shower," she smiled.

"Sounds good," I said, sliding off the stool. I started making my way to the stairs and turned around. "Thank you, Doll, for everything." she smiled and nodded, placing her hand over her heart. I turned and continued my way up the stairs. If I remember correctly, the spare room should be the second door on the right. I made my way to the door and opened it. It was empty. "The fuck is my stuff?" I whispered to myself.

"In here!" I heard Issac's voice shout from across the hall. I followed the sound of his voice into another room. His room. Nothing really changed. It was still the same as I remembered it. Only a few things here and there had changed. I noticed my stuff was on his bed.

"Wait, why is my stuff in here?" I asked, walking in.

"Cause imma have you stay in here. I'll stay in the spare," he answered, making his way past me.

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"Because you'll have a private bathroom, and the doors lock," he said, pointing to the bathroom and doors.

"Issac, I can't kick you outta your room. I can stay in the other one. It's fine," I said, walking to one of my bags to grab it.

I grabbed it to pick it up when I felt a body behind a hand placed on mine, stopping me from picking up my bag and me.

"You're staying in here. It's fine," he gritted through his teeth. I didn't protest. I just nodded in agreement. He let go of my hand and walked out.

I turned around as the door closed and sighed. I sat on the bed and looked around once more. Memories of what happened in the room flooded my mind. I squeezed my eyes shut. "Fuck" I muttered.

I showered and changed into a t-shirt, pajama shorts, and knee-high socks. I made my way to the club area; Issac and Doll sat at a table with pizza and some plates. The further I made my way down, I noticed they were pointed at the bar talking to someone. I turned my attention to the bar and laid my eyes on Isaiah. Great.

Chapter 34

Isaiah turned in my direction, making eye contact with me as he heard my footsteps approach. He snickered and turned back towards Doll and Issac. "I'm gonna head out. You coming, Issac?" Issac leaned back in his chair and sucked on his cheek.

"Nah. Imma stay here and fuck around with some shit," He answered. He stood up. I was stopped at the bottom of the stairs, thinking about my next move. Isaiah laughed.

"By fuck around, you mean her, right?" he said as he pushed himself off of the bar, walking past the table. I raised my eyebrow and tilted my head towards him. Issac froze and glared at him. Before either of us could reply to him, Doll chimed in.

"Oh fuck off, Isaiah," she spat as she put a slice of pizza on a plate. She stood and began walking over to me.

"What? Just stating the facts. Issac, you never stay here overnight; you either come to my place or stay at random bitches. Now suddenly, you wanna stay? Because of this little Flower? I told you what would happen, Issac. Keep that in mind. See ya tomorrow," Isaiah said as he walked out, slamming the door behind him. There was a moment of awkward silence until Doll spoke up.

"God, he's always so fucking pissy," Issac let out a chuckle. "You're staying tonight?" She asked, pointing at Issac. He nodded his head, confirming her question. "Alright. Here," she said, tossing him a pair of keys. He quickly caught them, the jingle of them echoing through the clubhouse.

"Guessing that's my cue to lock up?" Issac asked to fiddle with the keys in his hands.

"Ya damn right," Doll said, nodding her head. She turned towards me and smiled. "Alright, lovey, I'm heading home. Get some rest, and I'll be back in the morning. " She kissed me on the cheek and walked towards the table, grabbing a pizza box and her purse. "Goodnight, hun," she said, looking at Issac.

He smiled, "Goodnight."

Doll left, and there was another moment of awkward silence. I cleared my throat and spoke up. "Well, I'm gonna head to bed. " I turned and started making my way back up the stairs with my pizza Doll had given me. I stopped halfway and looked at Issac. "Goodnight," I smiled. He returned a smile and nodded.
