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"You sure?"

"Scuse me?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"You lived here a few years back," he said, adjusting himself in the chair, also putting his elbows on the table. I got more annoyed by the second.

"Okay? And? Just because I lived here for a few months doesn't mean I know everyone in town."

"You worked at Raven's & Son's Repo N' Repair that Issac owns. After your boss, Susan Reed, was murdered in her own shop after a robbery. So, you're telling me this is the first time you and him have met?"

"Tsk, wow. Y'all do your research, huh?" I shook my head, trying to come up with a quick lie. I sighed. "I worked for a woman named Doll, not him. No idea he owned the shop."

"Hm, kay. So, your car is in his garage. Why?"

"Being repaired,"

"What happened to it?"

"I hit something on the road."

"Where were you headed?"

I slammed myself against the back of the chair. "Tsk, what is this? Twenty questions? Jesus"

"I'm just trying to figure out your relationship with Issac, that's all," He smirked. I raised my eyebrows.

"There isn't one."

"Okay, sure," He nodded while writing things down on his little pad. "Alright, what about Jason Wryte? How do you know him?"

I got instantly pissed. "What the f-" I was cut off by the sound of some barging through the door.

"Knock, knock! Oh! Hi Greg! Funny seeing you here!" A woman in a suit with short dark red hair said as she entered the door. Officer Linus didn't even turn around. He took a deep breath.

"Linda" was all he said. She made her way over next to me.

"Oh Greg, don't sound so excited to see me! I'm blushing," she said with a cocky smile. I like her. I tried to hide my small laughter. "Now, I don't know if you heard Greg, but my darling, here is in the clear! The owner of the vehicle your officers tore apart called and confirmed that Mr. Raven was supposed to have his car. So! If you could kindly undo her cuffs here, so we can be on our way," she finished, explaining and pointing to my shackled wrists.

Officer Linus shook his head and stood up. He adjusted his uniform and dug around in it. He pulled out a set of keys and leaned over the table, freeing my hands. I immediately pulled my wrist to my chest and rubbed them. They were sore from being irritated by the metal.

"Thank ya, hun!" the woman I now know as Linda spoke back up. "Let's go, darling!" She said, waving me on while walking towards the door. I stood and followed her. She stopped before exiting. "Oh! And Greg, you'll be hearing me about the car your boys damaged," she spoke one last time, giving Officer Linus a wink. I laughed and followed behind her as she exited, making her way through the barracks.

We walked outside. It was dark; the air was cool, and I continued to follow Linda. We made our way to the parking lot, where Issac and Doll greeted us.

"Oh, hun, I'm so sorry!" Doll said, running up to me and giving me a big hug.

"It's okay, I'm fine," I reassured her. She let me out of her grip and looked over at Linda.

"Thanks, darling" She smiled, and Linda nodded.

"Anytime, love, I'm always here for the family," Linda smiled. Linda and Doll hugged, kissing each other's cheeks. Linda did the same with Issac; then, she made her way to me. She held out her hand for me to shake. "I'm Linda Lane. The family lawyer. " I smiled and grabbed her hand, shaking it.

"Thank you," I smiled. She nodded, let go of my hand, and began walking to her car. She turned around and waved.

"Until next time!" She shouted. Issac and Doll laughed. Doll turned towards Issac and gave him a death glare.

"What the fuck happened to keep her safe!?" she quietly shouted, sighed, looked at me, and then back at Doll.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that was going to happen," He explained. I cut in.
