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"This isn't my car; it's a clients. I just picked it up from the other garage," Issac said, handing the officer his license.

"Mhm," the officer said, grabbing it and walking back to his car.

About ten minutes later, the officer returned to the car. Then, instead of hearing one car door shut, there were two. I was looking out of Issac's window when the officer walked up.

"I need both of you to step out of the vehicle,'' the officer said, opening Issac's door. As he opened the door, I heard a tap on my window. I turned and looked out.

"Delilah?" Nathan's voice rang through my ears as he opened the door and helped me out. Issac was already out of the car getting patted down. I turned to face Nathan. "What are you doing?" he said with a stern voice.

I looked over my shoulder, making eye contact with Issac. The officer who patted him down emptied his pockets. Issac's knife, wallet, and lighter were on the car's roof. I turned my attention back to Nathan.

"I was getting a ride," I answered.

"With him?" He growled. I raised my eyebrows, getting irritated. I shook my head and didn't reply. "Tsk, turn around," he said, spinning me to face the car. He grabbed my hands and put them on the roof. He patted me down.

"Care to explain?" Issac asked. He was still against the car.

"We tried calling the owner and didn't get an answer, so we have suspicions to believe this car is stolen," Nathan answered while patting me down and emptying my pockets.

"You're fucking joking, right?" Issac spat with anger.

"Nope," Nathan said, grabbing me by my elbow and pulling me over to the front of the cop car. The other officer did the same with Issac. "You two are gonna chill here while we search the car," Nathan spoke again, walking back to the car with the other officer.

"What the fuck, Issac?" I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Look, it'll be fine," he said, trying to calm me down. We watched as both officers tore apart the car, going through my luggage and whatever they found to dig through.

After a few minutes, they returned to us, pulling out their handcuffs. Fuck.

"Turn around," Nathan said, walking up to me. I looked over at Issac, shocked. He was already being cuffed and given his rights.

"What's going on?" I said, walking a bit towards Nathan.

"I said. Turn around, Delilah."

"Nathan-" I went to speak when he grabbed my wrist, twisting it, spinning me around, and slamming my front down onto the car's hood. He froze before cuffing me. I tasted blood in my mouth and felt like I had a runny nose.

"Yo, what the fuck!?" Issac shouted.

"Officer Swan!" the other officer also shouted.

"I didn't mean to push you that hard," Nathan whispered. I leaned up, seeing my reflection in the windshield. I was bleeding from my nose and mouth. Great. I slowly turned to Nathan, who was still frozen in place. "I'm so sorry, Delilah, I didn't-" I cut him off. I spit some blood on the ground from my mouth.

"I've had worse happen, trust me. " I stopped him, and he looked at me with sorrow. He went to pull tissues out of his pocket, but I stopped him again. "Don't, just put me in the car."

Chapter 33

Well, isn't this just peachy? I thought as I was sitting in the interviewing room. My hands were cuffed to the cold metal table. I leaned back into the chair and sucked on my cheek, wondering where Issac was and what would happen. Soon I was pulled from my thoughts when there was a knock on the door.

"Delilah Hopkins? Greg Linus, Chief of police," an older round man, said as he peered through the door after the knock. He walked up to the table and pulled out the chair across from me, sitting. "I wanted to apologize for Officer Swan's auctions today," I just nodded.

He gave me a small smile and cleared his throat. "I just have a few questions for ya," He said, nodding, pulling out a small notepad and pen. Oh great, here we go. "How do you know Issac Raven?" he asked, clearing his throat again.

I squinted and leaned forward, resting my elbows on the table and adjusting to the cuffs. "He was giving me a ride to his garage where my car is," I answered. He nodded and hummed.

"Is that the first time you met him?" he continued with the questions.

"Yes," I lied. He leaned back, putting the pen down, crossing his arms across his chest.
