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"They're barely there at night, only during the day when they're doing club and garage shit. They seldom go upstairs."

"Fuck it," I gave in. You can do this, Del. We finished packing my stuff and moved it to her car. I returned the keys to the front desk and walked to Doll's car, where she was on the phone.

"It's so fucking simple, Evelyn. It's payroll!" Doll shouted. Uh oh. "I'll be there in 20," Doll said, hanging up and getting in the car, slamming the door shut. I got in, and she sighed. "We gotta stop at the new garage, Evelyn fucked up payroll, and I gotta fix it."

"Okay, cool," I smiled.


We pulled into the garage and parked. Doll was cursing under her breath as we were getting out of the car. We made our way into the office, where Evelyn stood up quickly. We made eye contact, and she rolled her eyes. Doll noticed.

"You say anything; you'll be looking for a new job," Doll warned. Evelyn crossed her arms and put her head down. I spoke up.

"Hey Doll, I'm gonna go to the car and see how much my phone has charged. I wanna see if I can get ahold of my dad."

"Okay, hun, this shouldn't take me too long," she said, plopping down at the desk. I nodded and made my way out to the car. Forty-six percent should be enough to talk for a few minutes. I thought to myself as I dialed my dad's number. The line rang twice.


"Hey, dad," I smiled; hearing his voice relaxed me.

"Hey Delly, I miss you," he said in a raspy voice. Tears formed in my eyes.

"I miss you too, dad, so whatcha up too?" I asked, clearing my throat and changing the subject before I started bawling.

"Oh, just watching my westerns. Your aunt is a pain in my ass, making me walk to the mailbox and shit."

I giggled. "She's getting ya moving, old man."

"I've done enough moving in my lifetime; this old man needs a break," he sighed. "So, how's your trip going? Ya at Dina's yet?"

"No, I ran into a little roadblock."


"I hit a piece of wood in the road, and it messed my car up pretty good; currently waiting for it to get repaired."

"That's not good. Did you let Dina know?"

"Yeah, she's fine with me being late. She said it gives her a few more days to get stuff."

"Well, that's good. Alright, Del, your aunt just finished dinner, and if I don't eat tonight, she gonna tube feed me."

I laughed again. "Alright, dad, I love and miss you."

"I love and miss you too, Del."

"Love ya later, dad," I said with a tear falling down my cheek.

"Love you later."

The line ended. I tossed my phone onto the dash and put my face into my hands. I sobbed but controlled it by taking a deep breath. I looked up, wiped away a tear, and cleared my throat. As I stood up, I heard the rumble of an engine pull up next to Doll's car. It was a blacked-out Dodge Ram. It was a relatively new model. I focused on the driver and realized it was Issac. Shit. I thought.

Maybe he won't recognize me. I didn't shut the car door because it would just bring attention. I slumped down in the seat and held my breath, hoping he would just walk by.

"Delilah?" His voice grew close. I shot up and stuck my head through the opened door, acting like I didn't know he was there.

"Hey!" I shouted, out of breath, with a fake smile. He looked a bit confused, probably wondering why I was here.
