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"So, what's up? Where's Aunt Doll?" He asked, lifting his sunglasses onto his head. Huh, he's acting like we left off on a friendly note. Hopefully, we will leave it at that. "Delilah?" I heard his voice tearing me from my thoughts.

"Oh uh, Evelyn messed something up with payroll, I guess, and Doll's trying to fix it," I explained. He puckered his lips and nodded.

"So Doll's pissed," he said, turning back towards me. "And what about you? What's up?"

"Uhhh, Doll picked me up from my motel," I said, giving vague details. I wanna let Doll spill the beans about me staying at the clubhouse for a few days.

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Alright," He began, turning away slowly.

"What's up with you?" I blurted out. God, why am I so awkward? He turned back towards me and grinned a little.

"Picking up a car to drive back to the clubhouse," He answered. I puckered my lips and stood up, closing the car door.

"Cool, cool," I said. I closed my eyes, thinking about what I had just said, and cringed. As soon as I looked up at Issac, Doll stormed out of the office.

"She drives me fucking insane, I swear to God," she mumbled, making her way toward Issac and me. I don't think she realized we were there until she looked up and got startled.

"Jesus," she paused. "Issac, you know you hired a dumbass, right? Now I have to go to the bank, like always, and get printed checks!" Issac stared at her for a moment and then went to answer, but she began speaking again. "I don't care if she's Jays… whatever. I don't! I just know I'm tired of having to fix everything!" She growled again. "Oh! And by the way, Delilah is staying at the clubhouse; if any of the guys have an issue with it, tell them to come to me because I'll tell um right where to shove it."

"Does Isaiah know?" Issac cut in.

"No, and I don't care what he has to say. I own the building. Did you two twits forget that?" she fired back.

"He's not gonna be happy, Doll."

"I don't care! You and him are barely there. If I had the room, she would stay with me, Issac, but I don't, and I'm NOT letting her sleep on the streets," she finished ranting and took a deep breath. "Now, Delilah, we have to make a pit stop at the bank, then I'll bring you back to the clubhouse so you can get yourself settled," I went to speak, but Issac cut in.

"I'll take her back." my eyes shot right at him. He'll what now?

"No, it's cool. I'll go with " I stood my ground.

"Do you know how long it takes for paychecks to print and get signed?" He asked me. I thought for a second and sighed.

"No," I mumbled, looking at the ground.

"Like an hour or two, tops," he answered. I looked over at Doll, and she tilted her head to look at me.

"It's up to you, whatever you wanna do babe," she said, rubbing my arm. I don't want to sit around for two hours doing nothing. Fuck it. Bite the bullet, Delilah.

"I'll ride back with Issac," I mumbled. Doll smiled and nodded, popping the trunk so I could grab my things.

We finished loading my things into the car Issac was bringing back to the clubhouse. "Now Issac, don't be a fucking ass," Doll said, walking towards him, hugging him.

"Yes, ma'am," he said, hugging her back.

"Now, I will see you as soon as I'm done at the bank. I'll help you unpack and wash whatever clothes are dirty," she said, hugging me after Issac. I nodded at her. She could tell I was nervous. "It'll be fine," she whispered, grabbing my chin.

She walked away and got into her car and pulled out. Issac opened the car door for me, and I got in. Then, as I got in, Evelyn walked outside and saw us; she stopped dead in her tracks, crossed her arms, and stared.

"She's always had a damn staring problem," Issac said, getting in and starting the car.

"I see that," I said as I returned the stare. The car moved. Oh boy, here we go…

Chapter 32

We drove a few miles in silence, and I stared out the window, watching the scenery pass by. Issac cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Mind if I light up?" he asked, holding up a joint. God, I haven't smoked in forever.

"And if I say no, are you still gonna light up?" I said with a hint of attitude.
