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"Okay, Nathan. Where's your bathroom?" I asked, giving him a slight eye roll.

"It's that door under the stairs," he said, pointing out the dark oak door. I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you." I made my way through the living room and into the bathroom. I opened the door and felt around for a light switch. Eventually, finding it, I switched it on. The room lit up, showing the white and black marbled bathroom. "Jesus," I whispered to myself, looking around.

I stopped looking when I came face to face with myself in the mirror. I looked drained and emotionless, but on the inside, I was FULL of emotions that I can't even control right now. Tears formed in my eyes. "No, no. You're not allowed to cry anymore," I said to myself. I looked away from the mirror and leaned against the door with my back. I tilted my head, looking at the ceiling, closing my eyes.

What is happening right now? Why am I in this guy's house? Is this the "restaurant" he was talking about? I thought to myself. I took a few deep breaths, pulled myself together, used the bathroom, washed my hands, and walked out without looking back into the mirror.

"There she is. Thought ya got lost," Nathan said with a chuckle.

"I was thinking about how this isn't a restaurant," I said, walking up towards him, passing Theo lying on the couch with a toy. There was an island counter between him and me.

"Yeah, you're right, but I know a great cook," he said while chopping up some carrots and celery. He had a large silver pot on the stove, and as I grew closer, something smelled terrific.

"Oh yeah? And what's this great cook cooking?" I asked, reaching the island and leaning my elbows against it.

"Chicken noodle soup, homemade," he winked.

"Doesn't that take forever, though? And aren't you on a schedule?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yes, and no. I started it before I left work and knew when I'd be back to finish it up and eat it for dinner during my shift," He explained, turning around and dumping ingredients into the pot.

"Ah. Smart man," I said, tapping my head. We both laughed and sat quietly for a second, looking at each other. "So… why bring me to your house?" I asked, breaking the silence. "You don't know me that well; I mean, you barely know me. I could be a robber, a murderer…." I instantly stopped talking as I said that, remembering what I'd done and seen. He shook his head, laughing.

"Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. I'll take my chances. " He smiled, turning towards the stove. Wait what? Take his chances? I started overthinking. "Here ya go," he said, sliding a bowl of soup towards me. I pulled myself from my thoughts and smiled.

He walked around the counter and placed his bowl down. He started unclipping his vest and belt, setting them down on the dining table. I stared at his muscular frame as he did that, and I think he noticed. I think he also saw the tension in the air, because I sure did.

"Shit, I'm sorry… that was awkward," I said, instantly turning around and burying my face in my hands. Fuck. My. Life. I could hear him chuckle and feel him close behind me, where I sat on the stool. He placed both hands on each side of me on the counter and leaned into me. I could feel his breath on my ear and neck. I involuntarily tilted my head to the side. What are you doing?! I thought to myself. His lips grazed my neck, making me shiver. He barely knows who I am; he wouldn't be doing this if he knew. I continued to think to myself.

"Is this okay?" He whispered into my ear. My inner thoughts began arguing. Yes, no, yes, no! Yes! No! Yes! It's been too long!

"Fuck," I quickly mumbled. I think he heard me. I felt a smile form on my neck. Oh no. He instantly spun me around to face him and picked me up by my thighs, setting me down on the counter. He stepped in between my legs and rested his hand on each side of me. My heart began racing. He reached one hand up and grazed my cheek. He brought his face close to mine and slowly pulled me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His hand left my face and rested on my thigh.

The kiss got more intense; he bit my lip, causing a little moan to escape me. I grabbed his neatly done hair and pulled on it. He groaned. Suddenly, he picked me up off the counter and sat me on the dining table, pushing all of his gear onto the floor. We were both panting heavily. He gently grabbed my face, making me look at him.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, causing me to be speechless. "I haven't been able to get you off my mind," He whispered again. I had no fucking idea what to say, so I just grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. He laid me down on the table and hovered over me. His hand slowly made its way under my hoodie. He pulled away from the kiss. "Are you okay with this?" He whispered into my ear. All I could do was nod.

You just met this man like two days ago, Delilah! What are you doing?! My inner thoughts shouted, but I continued to ignore them. He also nodded and began pulling my hoodie up over my head. The only thing I had on under my hoodie was my bra. Then, after he got my hoodie off, he leaned down, kissing me down my body and making me arch my back, letting out another little moan. He stood straight and yanked his uniform shirt off, tossing it onto the floor.

Thank God Theo is distracted right now. I stared at his perfectly chiseled body. He quickly grabbed the waistband of my yoga pants, yanking them off in a quick motion. I yelped as he grabbed me by my ass and brought me closer to him. He leaned down, hovering over me, and lowered his head next to my ear. "I'm gonna go slow," he whispered, leaning back to look at me.

I nodded my head, giving him the okay. He leaned back down, connecting our lips. I felt his hand graze the inside of my thigh. I broke the kiss, gasping because it caught me off guard. He froze in place and looked at me. "I'm assuming it's been a while?" He said, grinning. Yeah. Two fucking years.

"You could say that," I laughed nervously. He pulled away, but I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him back into the kiss and biting his lip. He bit my lip back, making me open my mouth so his tongue could sneak in. I felt his hand on my thigh again, slowly getting closer to my panties. My heart began beating faster and faster. His hand rubbed up against my panties, feeling the wetness. I felt him smirk in the kiss. He slid them to the side and slowly rubbed my clit. I broke away from this kiss, gasping and arching my back. He kept rubbing and kissing my neck to my collarbone.

"Dispatch to Officer Swan,"

Both of us froze and looked at the floor.

"Dispatch to Officer Swan. Do you copy?" His radio went off again. He quickly broke from my grip and removed his finger from me, scrambling to grab his radio. "Dispatch to-"

"Officer Swan to Dispatch," Nathan answered quickly, out of breath. He held the radio to his forehead, waiting for a response. I sat up quickly.

"Dispatch to Officer Swan; we have a deer vs. a motor vehicle on the highway by mile marker 82; the caller is asking for police assistance and a tow," the dispatcher responded. Nathan sighed and radioed back.

"Copy that. On my way," he tossed the radio and looked over at me with an apologetic look. "Um, I can drop you at the motel on my way," he offered, standing up and rubbing the back of his neck.
