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"That girl has a name. It's Del-"

"I don't give a fuck what her name is! The Clubhouse Whore! How bout' that?!" He shouted, cutting me off.

"Don't," I snarled, and he walked closer to me.

"Don't what, Issac? She's trouble; She's why two fucking wars started with other clubs I'm trying to clean up!" He shouted, pointing his finger at me, still walking closer. "She's the reason I'm fucking here! Back in this fucking shithole!" He called, stepping in front of me, pushing me backward.

"You were supposed to be here before she came along," I said, keeping my calm. "Uncle Ray made you Pres, remember? Not me, you," I said, pointing at him. "I'm not this club's fucking leader, but here I am! Leading this fucking blind because you left us!"

"This isn't about me right now," He snarled back at me. "This is about you keeping your head on straight and not worrying about some chick who almost cost us everything," he said, pushing past me.

"You know what's happened to her? You know she's not safe here, Isaiah," I said, turning towards him as he got to the door. He stopped.

"Keeping her safe isn't my problem. Keeping her away is," he said, grabbing the door handle and opening it to walk out. He slammed the door shut. The room felt like it heated to a hundred degrees.

"Fuck!" I yelled, kicking over a chair.


I watched the scenery flash by the window of Officer Swan's cruiser. I haven't said anything since he picked me up down the street from the garage. I don't know what Isaiah's problem is with me, but I know he doesn't like me.

"You good over there?" Officer Swan asked, looking over at me.

"Yeah, just tired. Thanks for picking me up… again," I answered, clearing my throat.

"You don't have to thank me, Delilah," he reassured me. I nodded and looked back out of the window. "Hungry?" he asked. I chuckled and looked over at him.

"Kinda, but I'm not really feeling greasy diner food tonight," I chuckled.

"Oh, come on, greasy diner food is where it's at, girl!" He laughed. "Don't worry. I've got a place in mind. As long as I don't have any calls, we should be good," he said, pulling into a parking lot to turn around. I raised one of my eyebrows, looking at him. He glanced over. "What?" he smirked.

"Nothing. " I shook my head with a little laugh. "So what's this place called, and what do they have?" I asked, changing the subject.

"You'll see," he grinned. I squinted at him, then looked away and started fiddling with my hands.

I looked up, noticing we had pulled into a neighborhood with decent-sized houses. "Soooo, there's a restaurant hidden in one of these houses here?" I laughed nervously.

"Sure. " He chuckled and pulled into a driveway of one of the houses. He parked the cruiser and got out. I looked at the house while unbuckling. It was a decent-sized two-story house, with black and grey siding and trimming, a front porch with chairs and a table, plants, tons of plants. My door opening drew my attention away. Officer Swan reached his hand out to me, helping me out of the cruiser.

"Is this your house?" I asked as we were walking up the porch stairs.

"Mm-hm," he nodded, unlocking the door, and walking in. I slowly followed him in. He turned on the lights, revealing the interior. Everything was black and grey inside and a little white in some places. There was a massive fireplace with a TV in the living room. A giant grey blur tackled me as I walked further in. I stumbled backward, falling onto my butt. I lowered my head between my knees and covered the back of it with my hands.

"Theo! Down!" I heard Officer Swan shout. I was being pushed and shoved by something extremely fluffy and heavy. The force slowly vanished, and I peered from the shell I had created with my body. I saw a giant fluffy dog sitting next to Officer Swan's feet. "Delilah, this is Theo," he said, out of breath. Theo started barking and trying to get out of his grip to come over to me, and he succeeded.

"Oh no," I muttered, bracing for impact.

Chapter 30

Theo instantly tackled me to the floor again, licking me in excitement. I started giggling. "Theo! Jesus! Get over here!" Officer Swan shouted again, grabbing the fluffy dog's collar and pulling him off. Theo finally calmed down, and Officer Swan helped me up.

"Thank you," I laughed, grabbing his hand and standing up. I dusted off my clothes and adjust them.

"He likes you," Officer Swan said with a smile. "He's a Shepard/Husky mix, so he's kind of a handful," I chuckled.

"I see that. I'm good, though," I said with a smile. He nodded and walked into the living room, and whistled to Theo. I walked in further, looking around. It opened the living room into the kitchen, and a staircase was next to the fireplace. I was secretly also scanning around for a bathroom. "Hey, Officer Swan?" I asked, slowly walking into the kitchen where he was.

"Please, call me Nathan or Nate," he said, placing stuff on the counter.
