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Aunt Doll sighed and walked around the desk out of her office. "Come," she directed with her hands. I followed her out of the office, through the clubhouse, and into the parking lot where some guys had just parked their bikes. Evelyn ran over to one of the guys standing up from his motorcycle, taking off his helmet, Jay. She gave him a big hug and kissed him. My heart shot me a painful beat. Don't you dare be jealous. It's been two years, Del. I thought to myself. From the corner of my eye, I saw a figure walking. I didn't recognize him. He was tall, with a clean, trimmed short beard, jet black hair, and a gray streak in the front. It was gelled back, away from his face. The more I stared, the more I could see Issac's resemblance.

"Hey, Dolly," He spoke, walking past me up to Aunt Doll, giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Hey hun, where's your brother?" she said, giving him a small kiss back.

"He's on his way. Who's this?" He asked, taking his gloves off and nodding his head towards me. I looked around and noticed everyone was staring at me, especially Jay and Evelyn. Oh boy.

"This is Delilah," Aunt Doll answered, rubbing my elbow with a smile. His eyebrows rose, and he stood up straighter and crossed his arms. He took a deep breath and spoke.

"Doll, we should talk."

Chapter 29


I was about a minute down the street when I saw a trooper's car pull out of the garage. The fuck? I thought to myself. I whipped my bike into the garage parking lot and parked. I quickly turned it off and got off it, unclipping my helmet. Everyone was standing outside near their bikes. They were all quiet.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking at them, waiting for someone to speak up, but no one did. I raised my eyebrow and began walking toward them. "Am I talking to myself or?" I spoke again.

"Delilah was here," Jay spoke up. I froze.

"Was here? What do you mean was?" I asked, clenching my jaw, staring at Jay, and noticing Evelyn clung to his arm.

"She was here with Doll when we got back, then Isaiah walked up to Doll and told her they needed to talk, and she left," Jay explained.

"What did Isaiah need to talk to Aunt Doll about?" I asked, still processing what he just said.

"Don't know," He answered quickly, shrugging his shoulders. I groaned and began making my way towards the garage office. I could hear shouting coming from inside. I barged through the door, cutting into Isaiah's and Doll's argument.

"What the fuck is happening?" I shouted, slamming the door behind me.

"Your brother is a heartless prick," Doll spat, pointing at Isaiah.

"That doesn't answer shit," I said. Isaiah leaned against the wall behind him and huffed.

"Doll had that girl here," He spoke up.

"That girl? You mean Delilah?" I turned my head to look at him.

"Yeah, whatever her name is," he said, tossing his hand in the air.

"I didn't have her here; I didn't even know she was back until she showed up looking for her car!" Dolled yelled at Isaiah. I looked at Doll, confused.

"Her car? Why is her car here? The parts are going to Horizon," I interrupted.

"Don't know. Ask one of your airheaded mechanics or that fucking receptionist of yours," Doll yelled again, but at me.

"Fucking Evelyn," I mumbled, and Isaiah huffed again.

"Her car isn't the fucking issue here. When I pulled in, she and Doll were all buddy, buddy," He said, pushing himself off the wall and walking towards us.

"I haven't seen that girl in two years, and we grew close. Closer than I am with you two right now. I don't even know who you boys are anymore, but I know that y'all are not the boys I raised," Doll said, with tears gathering in her eyes. She turned around and walked out of the office, slamming the door. I gave Isaiah an irritated look before walking past him. Before I could reach the door, he grabbed my arm and whipped me around to face him.

"Don't even think about it, Issac," He spoke in a warning tone. I yanked my arm away.

"Think about what?" I questioned.

"Going after that girl," He hissed.
