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"Uh," she said while puckering her lips. I laughed. "Damn. You were busy."

"Had to keep myself busy, or I would've gone insane," I answered honestly.

"God damn, you are a strong bitch," she said, giggling. "But you wanna know how things were here?" She huffed, puffing her cheeks out. "You don't even wanna know," she frowned.

Chapter 28

"Come in, sit down," Aunt Doll said, leading me into the clubhouse office. Nothing has really changed her; it's still the same as I remember. "Just throw shit in that other chair," she said, pointing to a chair filled with unorganized papers. I picked them up and moved them, sitting down. The chair was turned slightly towards her desk. Aunt Doll sat in her chair behind her desk and took a deep breath. "Ya thirsty?" she asked, "Wait, don't answer that," she said, standing up and trotting out of the office before getting my answer. She came trotting back in, handing me a Redbull.

"You remember?" I asked, smiling while still looking at the energy drink, leaning back into the chair. She chuckled, sitting back down.

"Remember? Honey, you had one of those glued to your lips every morning while you were here," she laughed.

"You right," I laughed while opening the drink. She leaned back in her office chair and sighed. I looked around the office. Stacks of papers were everywhere.

"I take two days off, and these boys lost their minds trying to do paperwork," she said, shaking her head.

"I see that," I chuckled. "Are they still scatterbrains?" I asked. When I was here, they were all goofballs and definitely had scatterbrains.

"Yes, yes, they are," she laughed. "They missed you, ya know?"

"I'm sorry," I sighed, looking down.

"Hey," she said, making me look up at her. "Stop saying sorry. There's nothing you need to apologize for," I nodded. "So, you wanna know what went down here, huh?"

"You don't have to tell me, Aunt Doll. I was kidding with ya," I spoke up quickly.

"Well, who the hell am I supposed to vent to about these past two years?" She said, smiling, shaking her head. I chuckled, shaking my head, giving her the Okay head tilt. "Shut that door behind ya, so no one bugs us," she pointed to the door.

I stood up and followed her orders and sat back down. She leaned back in her chair and kicked her feet up onto the desk, her head resting against the chair. "Alright, doc, get comfortable cause I got some shit to talk about." she laughed, resting her hands on her stomach while closing her eyes. I laughed and leaned back in my chair, kicking my feet onto the desk. Doll and I were sitting across from each other, so our feet were at one end of the desk.

"Alright, I'm as comfy as I can get in this shitty chair ya got me sitting in," I laughed. She tilted her head to look at me.

"Don't even get me started on those fucking chairs, girl," she said, laughing and pointing at the chair. "So, when you left…" she began.

"Jay disappeared for a few weeks. None of us knew where he went. We thought he went looking for you, but he came back, which definitely wasn't the case. He won't tell anyone where he went or what he did, still to this day." she sighed before speaking again.

"Then Issac, oh Issac. He spiraled. He completely shut down. Even though he knew you briefly, you grew on him. Even though he didn't show it the right way because he's dumb, he and you went through ALOT together. He felt he needed to protect you, and in the end… he failed. He stopped doing shit with the club and at the garage. So, he started doing club shit by himself, causing him almost to die twice and starting more drama. So we started losing money because of all the drama with the two head guys losing their minds. I had to call Isaiah, who's supposed to be here running the club anyway, but wasn't because he was out falling in love with some bobble-headed blonde in Vegas," she went on.

"So a year into all this shit, Isaiah comes home, and he's pissed. The boy started shouting and screaming at me, and I immediately shut that shit down. I raised him and his brother. There's no fucking way I'm gonna let them talk to me like that. Fucking bimbos. Anyway, he went and found his brother and talked to him or something because shit started getting done, and it was getting done quickly—all the guys, everyday hustling, in the shop and whatever the crew was doing. Then Isaiah comes to me and says he bought the garage closing on the other end of town. Where the fuck did he get the money? I don't know and still don't wanna know. So we renovated that place and opened it, and business is good, but the drama with Isaiah and Issac grew ten times worse every week. They're at each other's throats almost every day. Shit gets broken, noses are busted, and it gets intense. So basically, to sum everything up for ya doc, it's been a shit show since you left," she finished, taking a deep breath. I sat there, quietly taking in everything she had just said.

"Damn," was all I could say. She chuckled.

"Damn is correct, now I got all this shit to fix and a helluva lotta beer to drink," she said while pointing around at all the papers. I kept thinking about what she told me.

"Wait, you raised Issac and Isaiah?" I asked. She nodded.

"I did, since they were two-" she explained, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. She groaned and rolled her eyes. Neither of us moved when she shouted. "What?!" The door opened a bit, and someone stepped in.

"Doll, we need to talk, '' the familiar high-pitched voice said. Aunt Doll squinted as the door opened all the way. Evelyn walked in. Her head immediately snapped towards me. Doll and I still had our feet on her desk and leaned back in our chairs. Evelyn's face sank.

"Talk? Talk about what? We don't talk, Evelyn. I'm sure Jay will be back soon, so you can chit-chat with him," Aunt Doll sighed. Evelyn couldn't take her eyes off me.

"I'm guessing she's here because you and her go way back too?" She mocked. Aunt Doll's head rose from her chair and dropped her feet from her desk. As well, I did. I stood from my chair.

"I'll just head out, Aunt Doll," I said, adjusting my clothes from sitting. Aunt Doll stood up.

"Don't you dare leave just yet, girl. I haven't seen you in two damn years. So sit your ass back down," she spoke up, pointing at my chair. I instantly followed her instructions. She was still standing; she leaned her hands onto her messy desk and stared at Evelyn. "And you," she snarled, "Will, not speak like that to me in this garage or anywhere ever again, got it?" Evelyn crossed her arms and looked down while nodding. "Pull shit like that again; there's gonna be job openings here for a receptionist and mechanic," Aunt Doll spoke, standing up straight. She crossed her arms, still staring a hole in Evelyn. Aunt Doll was about to speak again but was cut off by the sound of motorcycles closing in. Evelyn instantly disappeared from the office.
