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"Just tell him," Issac cut him off.

"Kay," Jay said, walking out and slamming the door behind him. Well, fuck. It was just Issac and me now.

"I'm assuming the Honda is yours," Issac said, walking toward me and handing me papers. "Fill those out and give me your license so I can copy it for the file," he spoke up again, walking behind the counter, grabbing a pen, and handing it to me.

"Thanks," I said, grabbing it. Issac nodded. I began filling out the paperwork in awkward silence. Issac leaned against the wall next to the counter and crossed his arms. I finished the paperwork and handed it to him with my license. He grabbed it slightly, touching my hand and sending chills through me. He turned around and faced the copier. I heard him take a deep breath.

"Where'd you go?" I heard him ask as he started the printer with his back towards me.

"What?" I asked without thinking, even though I had first heard him.

"Where'd you go?" He said, turning his head to the side.

"Home," I replied.


"I was better off there."

"Why'd you come back then?" He asked as the copier finished.

"Excuse me?" I asked in a tone. He turned towards me, handing me my license back.

"Why are you here?" He asked again, standing up straight behind the counter and crossing his arms.

"I'm passing through. I didn't come back," I spat.

"Passing through?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah, passing through. I hit something fucking up my car, and now I'm here. You think I'd come back to live in this hellhole?" I slightly yelled. He raised his eyebrows.

"Hellhole, huh?" He chuckled. I looked at him, confused. He looked back at me and smiled. "You look… great," he mumbled, then quickly cleared his throat. "Let's go get whatever you need from your car," he said, quickly changing the subject. He gave me the hand gesture to follow him. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Great, just great," I said to myself. I began following him through the garage and out into the back car lot where my car was. I clicked the unlock button and trunk button as we got close. Issac peeked into my trunk. Noise, now are we? I thought to myself, glaring at him. I unloaded my luggage and closed my trunk. I walked over to my driver's side door and opened it, grabbing the rest of the things I had left last night.

"Jesus, are you movin' or something?" Issac chuckled. I stood up, tucking things into my backpack and closing it up.

"Going to see a family member. But that's gonna have to wait now," I sighed, throwing my bag over my back. I went to grab my three suitcases.

"I got 'em," Issac said before I could reach them.

"Thanks," I said, rolling my eyes. We started walking back to the garage/office.

"Where you stayin'?" Issac asked, adjusting the luggage he was carrying. I laughed.


"Just curious, damn," he laughed. "Still feisty as ever, I see."

"Stop," I said sternly, stopping in my tracks. He turned around and looked at me, confused. "What is this… weird niceness? You're acting like we're pals who haven't seen each other in a while. Did you completely forget what happened two years ago? Cause I didn't, and it doesn't seem like Jay did either.," I went off.

"It's this past. This is the present. I moved on," he spoke up, looking down.

"Well, I'm glad you did," I said, with tears forming in my eyes. "This, this is fucking insane. Like, why is this happening right now?! How is this even happening right now?! Am I fucking dreaming?" Issac looked at me, his eyes burning directly into mine.

"Wanna know what's insane, Delilah? You… disappearing outta fucking nowhere without telling anyone! You were just fucking gone! Ghosted, vanished, poof! Gone! Nobody knew what fucking happened to you. Then a month later, after you disappeared, we got a letter in the mail from you saying,"I'm safe". What the fuck?! I thought you were dead! Now suddenly, you're back?! Look, I'm trying really hard to push past this. I am, but you're not, and you're making it fucking difficult!" Issac went on.

"Because I can't pretend nothing happened, Issac! I can't forget what happened to me, to you…. To Jay," I said, starting to tear up and my voice cracked. "Do you think I wanted to come back? No. No, I didn't. I was going to drive on by. I can't fucking do this right now. Give me my shit so I can call an Uber and go back to my motel."
