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"Del, look-" he began.

"Don't!" I cut him off. "You've done and said enough," I spat. I ordered an Uber and went to grab my bags, but Issac insisted on bringing them to the car. He helped me put my bags in the car and looked at me.

"Are ya gonna thank me?" He smirked.

Chapter 27

"Are ya gonna thank me?" played in my head. I rolled over and checked my phone. It's 8:30 AM. I groaned, rolling outta the bed over to the bathroom. I remembered leaving one of my credit cards and medical card in my car last night as I returned to the motel. Just in case, I should probably grab them. I thought to myself last night. I turned on the shower, waiting for it to warm up. I browsed through my phone and remembered Officer Swan put his number in my phone. I hovered over his number to send him a text. Fuck it, I thought to myself. I hit his number and sent him a quick text.

Me- Thank you again.

After I hit send, I tossed my phone onto the bathroom counter and got in the shower. It took me about 10 minutes to get ready. Nothing special. Just a hoodie, yoga pants, and a pair of converse. I ordered an Uber and sighed. We pulled up to the garage, and my heart raced. My anxiety spiked, and I was not ready for this again. I took a deep breath and got out while thanking and tipping the driver. I walked into the office and saw Evelyn look up with a smile, but then it dropped as soon as she saw me.

"Hey," I smiled at her.

"Hi," she sighed while looking at her computer. Okay…

"I wanted to grab a few more things from my car, if that's okay? I remembered last night when I got back to my motel," I said while giving her a slight smile. She didn't even look at me.

"It's not here," she said, still not looking at me.

"Beg your pardon?" I questioned, looking at her, confused.

"It's not here," she said again, still not looking at me.

"I got that. Where is it?" I said I'm beginning to have an attitude. Her eyes shot up from the computer.

"The other garage. They took it there last night," she answered, leaning back in her chair.

"And nobody called me to let me know?" I replied quickly.

"We were busy," she said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry"

"Uh-huh, cool. Thanks," I said with a definite attitude. As I was turning on my heels, I heard my phone ding. It was Officer Swan. Perfect timing.

Officer Swan- No problem

I sighed and thought before replying to him.

Me- Are you busy or at work right now?

Officer Swan- I just got to work. What's up?

Me- Shit, I needed a ride.

Officer Swan- I got time. No calls so far. Where are you?

Me- Horizon garage

Officer Swan - I'll be there in 10.

Me- Thank you so much.

Officer Swan - Anytime. See you soon.

I sighed in relief; I turned a bit and saw Evelyn staring, burning holes in me with her eyes.

"Tsk, have a good day, Evelyn," I said, walking out, not even waiting for her reply. I sat down on a bench outside of the office. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. I closed my eyes and started thinking about my breathing to calm myself down. I looked up as a police SUV pulled in. I stood up and trotted to the SUV, grabbing the door handle and opening it.
