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"Can you jackasses please finish this hit up so I can go home?" I spat. The five young guys quickly scurried back to what they were doing. I continued to finish up an oil change I had started. I was torn from my focus when the shop phone rang. I groaned, sliding out from under the car and wiping my hands on my pants, walking over to answer it.

"Sup Eve?"

"Hey, bring me the keys and paperwork for the white Honda Civic we got in yesterday," she said quickly before hanging up, not even letting me answer. But, alrighty then, I thought to myself. I hung up the phone and walked over to the key holder, grabbing the requested keys.

"Yo Ben, give these to Cal when he gets outta the shitter and tell him to bring um to Eve," I said, tossing the keys to Ben. He caught them and nodded.

"Why aren't you doing it?" He questioned. I sighed, laying back down on the creeper and wheeling myself back under the car.

"Cause I'm changing this oil so I can go home!" I shouted from under the car. A few minutes went by, and I finally finished up. As I rolled outta under the car, Cal came back smiling from ear to ear.

"What's up with the creepy grin?" I asked.

"The chick who owns that civic is fucking smoking, bro," Cal said, giggling. "I need the paperwork for the car, man. Gimme it so I can go back out there and try to sweet-talk her," he said, reaching his hands out. I laughed, shaking my head, turning around, and wiping my hand on my grease cloth. I walked over to the counter that had scattered papers all over it. What a shithole, I thought to myself. I scanned through the papers and found the civics. I grabbed them and turned around, seeing Cal get excited.

"Not happening. You're not scaring any more customers away," I said, walking past him and bumping his shoulder. I heard him sigh, making me laugh. I walked into the office, seeing a figure in front of me. She had jet black hair laid crossed her shoulders, a sweater, and jeans that fit her figure perfectly. Quit Issac. Give her the paperwork and leave, I thought to myself, bringing me back. "White Honda Civic?" I asked. She spun on her heels in my direction and went to speak with a smile, but it quickly dropped as we made eye contact. I swallowed the lump in my throat.



Chapter 26


What the fucking fuck, I thought to myself.

"Del?" His familiar voice lingered in my ears, giving me chills.

"Issac?" I replied in shock. We both stood there for a minute, taking in the sight of each other. He looks the same, but also different. He has a scar above his right eyebrow now. He seems more built, and his hair is a little shorter than I remember. He looked at me up and down, taking in my whole new appearance. "Wh- Uh, hi," I stuttered.

"Hey," he replied, looking into my eyes.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Evelyn spoke up from behind me.

"Yeah, we go back," Issac answered. Go back? You mean the two years ago when we only knew each other for half a year or so, I thought to myself. I cleared my throat and fiddled with my keys, looking away from him.

"So I'm assuming… you bought this garage," I guessed.

"My brother did. He's finally back in town. What… I… you," he stuttered as well. The door behind him opened, and I looked up.

"Evelyn! Are you n' Ella ready? The club's meeting is in 10 minutes, and I needa go!" another familiar voice shouted. Jay… THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING I screamed in my head. He looked directly at me and stopped all of his movements.

"Delilah?" He whispered. Don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out… I kept repeating in my head. I took a deep breath.

"Hey… it's been a while," I said with a chuckle. Wow! Smooth Del. They both stared at me.

"Yeah, it has," Jay said with a frown, then his face filled with anger.

"I'm ready, babe!" Evelyn yelled behind me, running up to Jay and handing him the baby. "Wait, you two know each other too?! Wow, small world!" She chuckled while walking out of the office. He adjusted the baby in his arms and turned towards Issac.

"See you at the clubhouse?" Jay nudged him. Issac tore away from looking at me.

"Yeah, let my brother know I might be a lil' late," Issac answered, making my heart drop even more.

"Issac-" Jay said.
