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"Fuck," I muttered out loud. I reached for my phone and checked the time. It was already past 1 in the afternoon. "Double fuck!" I shouted, tossing my phone onto the bed and scrambling to the bathroom, stripping my clothes to get into the shower. I don't know when the garage closes or if it's still open. Fuck checking time times. Just get ready! I thought to myself. I had just got into the shower when my phone rang.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" I shouted. This morn- afternoon isn't going too well. Instead, I yanked the towel off the towel holder, quickly wrapping it around me while running to my phone. Then I snatched it off the bed, answering it outta breath. "He-hello?"

"Hi! This is Evelyn with Horizon Repair and Repo. Is this…. Delilah?" The slight high-pitched voice on the other end asked.

"Uh, yes, hi," I replied awkwardly.

"Hey! So it says we have your car here. It's a white 2018 Honda civic si, correct?" She asked.

"Yeah, it is," I answered. I heard a keyboard clicking on the other end.

"Alright, unfortunately, the damage caused by whatever you hit isn't fixable. So we have to order parts in, and then we'll be able to start repairing," she explained. I sighed, shook my head, and mouthed; "Great," before I cleared my throat.

"Do you happen to know how long that would take?" I asked.

"Um, maybe four-five days, depending on when we get the parts in," she answered. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Okay, um, do you know how much all this is yet?"

"I don't know your total until we get the parts and work on the car."

"Alright. I have a few things I need to grab from my car. Are you guys still open?"

"Yep! We close at Four. You're more than welcome to come gather your things," she chirped up.

"Sweet. Thanks," I sighed.

"See ya soon!" She chirped again before hanging up. I got up from leaning on the bed and returned to the shower. Fuck my life, I thought to myself.

After showering and getting dressed in skinny jeans and a V-neck sweater, I slid on my boots and made my way out of the motel room. I ordered an Uber to take me to the garage. Last night with Officer Swan was enough awkwardness for me. The Uber driver drove for about 20 minutes until reaching the garage. I felt my heart start beating fast. I took a deep breath as he pulled in, parked, and paid him what I owed before stepping out. I entered the office and was greeted by a young woman holding a baby. The baby looked to be about 1ish.

"Hi, I'm Delilah. I have the white Honda you called me about earlier," I smiled.

"Oh, yes!" she said, setting the baby down in a playpen behind her desk.

"Give me one sec while I call one of the guys to bring your keys," she said, dialing a number. "Hey, bring me the keys and paperwork for the white Honda Civic we got in yesterday," she blurted, before hanging up. "It'll be just a few minutes. Can I get you anything?" She asked, smiling at me.

"I'm good, thank you," I smiled back. I looked at my phone for a few minutes while she sorted papers and kept the baby company.

"Yo! Got the keys," a young guy said, walking in through the door behind me, jingling the keys, startling me.

"What about the paperwork?" Evelyn asked.

"Paperwork? Ben didn't say nothin' bout' paperwork," the kid said, dropping his hand down with the keys.

"Jesus, Cal, please get the paperwork for the car and give her, her keys," she sighed. I turned, assuming "Cal" handed me my keys. He gave me a slight grin and winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks…" I said uncomfortably and turned back towards Evelyn.

"I'm sorry, just give him a minute to bring your paperwork, and then after you fill it out, he'll bring you to your car," she smiled. I sighed quietly.

"No problem," I smiled, biting my lip, turning a little so she couldn't see my annoyed face. I looked back at my phone to check the time. 3:42 PM, they're closing soon. I heard the door behind me open.

"White Honda Civic?" A voice behind me asked. I spun on my heels to answer, but my heart dropped as I turned around.


