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"I'm kidding. You're pretty badass. It takes a lot to step up and do that at what? How old are you?" He asked.

"21," I answered.

"Damn, so young, and you've already done so much." he smiled, and he stared at me. "You're incredible," he smiled again.

"Thanks," I laughed. We finished eating, and the waitress brought over the bill. I started pulling out my cash to pay my half, and Nathan spoke up.

"Don't you dare, I got it," he said, handing the waitress the bill and his card. I looked at him and gave him a slight grin.

"Fine, twist my arm," I chuckled. The waitress came back and handed him his card with the receipt. It looked like there was writing on the back. I flicked at it. "What's that? On the back?" I giggled. He turned it over and shook his head. He slid it over to me. The note read:

Call me whenever you're free, handsome ;)



"Wowww, I'm guessing you get this a lot?" I said, handing the receipt/note back to him. He tilted his head to the side.

"What makes you say that?" he asked with a grin.

"Well, since we came in, all the waitresses haven't been able to take their eyes off you," I laughed, standing up. He leaned into my side, putting a tip on the table.

"Are you sure they're not staring at you?" he whispered, making me shiver. He leaned back with a smile and turned around. "Let's go find you somewhere to stay," he said, tilting his head. We walked out to his cruiser, and he opened the door for me.

"Wow, such a gentleman," I laughed, shaking my head. He smiled back and winked. Is he flirting with me? I thought to myself, sliding into the seat. He can't be, right?

"Alright, let's find you somewhere to stay. You said you didn't wanna stay in Longmont?" he asked, getting into the SUV, confirming what I had said earlier.

"Correct," I said, shifting myself towards him. He sighed and turned the car on.

"Alright… I know a place, but it's not that nice" He sighed, looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders. The sun was rising as I looked out the window. I turned to the clock on the dash,6:24 AM.

"I'm not looking for anything nice, just somewhere to sleep and charge my phone," I answered while holding my phone up. He nodded and drove. Then, about 30 minutes later, we pulled into a motel parking lot. The lights flickered and were dim. He was right, and this place isn't classy at all. Oh well.

"This is the place," He said, putting the car in park. I nodded and collected my stuff. He got out and grabbed my bag. "Let me," he smiled. I scrunch my eyebrows and give him an awkward smile.

"Alright, man, you're being way too nice. Why?" I asked, shifting my weight onto my left hip. My question caught him off guard. He stuttered. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

"Am… am I not allowed to be a gentleman?" He asked with a nervous chuckle. I thought to myself for a second. Maybe that was harsh. Not all men are shitstains.

"I'm sorry, I… I'm just not used to this," I sighed. He nodded his head.

"I get it. Let's get you a room, shall we?" He said, leading the way to the front office. We walked in, and he spoke to the clerk before I could speak up. "Uh, hi, I reserved a double bed. The room should be under Nathan Swan" My mouth dropped open, and I stared at him.

"You paid online, correct?" the clerk said, grabbing a piece of paper from a folder. Nathan nodded. "Alright, just sign here," the clerk spoke again and handed Nathan a pen and then a room key.

"Thank you," Nathan said with a smile, grabbing the key, turning around, and handing it to me. "I reserved it for three nights just in case," he smiled. I was speechless, my mouth still hanging open. "And here's my number if you need a ride or anything," he spoke again, handing me a piece of paper with his number.

"T-thank you, I don't know when I'll be able to repay you," I stuttered. He grabbed my elbow.

"Don't worry about it. Get some rest and get that car fixed," he smiled.

"Thank you," I said again, nodding. He squeezed my elbow and began walking out of the office. I stood there, staring at the key and trying to figure out what the fuck had just happened.

Chapter 25

As I woke up, I groaned and rolled over onto my back. I said to hell with getting undressed last night and just passed out in my yoga pants and t-shirt. I sat up and pushed my knotted hair out of my face.
