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"You say uh and um a lot," he laughed. "Are you always overthinking everything you want to do?" he said, calling me out. I huffed.

"Wow, hah. And yes, I question everything."

"Gotcha," he laughed.

We eventually pulled up to a small diner. It looked familiar. I looked behind us, and of course, the flower shop was right there. Nathan noticed me looking around.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just looking around," I smiled.

Chapter 24

We walked into the diner, and I immediately lost my hunger. Memories flooded in.

"Del?" I heard Nathan say, bringing me out of my mind. "Are you gonna sit?" he asked, pointing at a booth. I smiled.

"Yeah! I was just in deep thought. I'm sorry," I said, sitting down. Nathan sat down and handed me a menu. I scanned through it and just decided on a kid's egg and toast with water. I set the menu down, waiting for the waitress to come to take our order. Nathan looked at me. He adjusted his uniform and cleared his throat.

"So tell me about yourself," he said, crossing his arms. I tilted my head at him and laughed.

"There's nothing much to tell," I answered. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Tell me about those then," he said, pointing to my tattoos. "Looks like you're covered from head to toe," he added. I just realized we were in the light and could fully see what each other looked like. His eyes were light hazel, his hair was dark brown like I thought, and a Greek God definitely chiseled his face. Then there's me. Jet black hair that hangs a little past my shoulders, nose pierced on both sides, plus my septum. Then there's my ink…

"Ah, yeah, haha. I'm pretty covered. Most of them have meaning, and some were a spur-of-the-moment thing.," I laughed nervously. He nodded with a smile.

"So, what's the story behind some of them?" He asked again. I took a deep breath and smiled. I rolled up my sleeves to show him the ink that covered my arms.

"They basically represent my struggles and overcoming them." I cleared my throat. "They also cover many scars I have." he froze for a second and nodded.

"Gotcha, expensive?" He asked. Right before I answered, the waitress brought our food out. I chuckled a little and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Little bit," I answered, eating a piece of my toast. An awkward silence grew as we ate. He cleared his throat, taking a sip of coffee.

"So Loveland, huh?" He asked, setting his cup down.

"Yeah, it's been a helluva hike for me for the last few days," I laughed, swirling the straw in my water.

"Where ya coming from?"

"San Antonio, Texas," I answered.

"Damn, you're driving all the way up to Loveland for your cousin? Why not fly?" He questioned me. I kinda felt like I was being interrogated, and I chuckled.

"Your cop personality is showing," I laughed. His head dropped, and he also laughed.

"Too many questions?" He asked, raising his head back up.

"Nah, it's cool," I giggled. I pushed my plate away and rested my elbows on the table. "So… first, no judging," I laughed, raising my eyebrows tilting my head.

"Never," he laughed, leaning back into his seat. Yep, he's definitely gonna judge me.

"My mom died a year and a half ago unexpectedly. My dad went downhill after. He lost his soul mate, ya know? So I don't blame him. We owned a huge farm and had a few horses, and I tried keeping up with the bills and payments for everything, but I just couldn't. My dad's sister has a small farm, so we gave her our horses and sold the farm. My dad and I lived with her for a while. I got a job as a dancer and saved most of the money I made to get a car and stuff for my aunt to help take care of my dad. So that brings me here. My dad still lives with my aunt, and I'm just headed up to see my cousin for a while," I explained, finally taking a deep breath. I looked up from fiddling with a straw wrapper and looked at Nathan.

"So, you were a stripper?" He asked, raising an eyebrow with a grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat and huffed.

"Outta everything I just told you, that's the part that stuck out to ya?" I said, shaking my head in an aggravated tone. He chuckled and leaned forward, setting his elbows on the table.
