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Two years later


"Fuck!" I yelled as I tried to dodge the giant piece of wood in the middle of the road. I hit it, making my car fishtail into a roadside ditch. "God damnit!" I screamed, hitting my steering wheel. I grabbed my phone, looking. 1:23 AM. "Fucking great," I sighed. I dialed my roadside assistance, but my phone beeped. No service. I slammed my head back against the headrest. I sat there for a second, thinking. I'm so tired from driving, and I can't even remember where I am at the moment. I kept my head resting against the seat and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

I jumped to knock on my car window. "Jesus Christ," I said, flinching. A light was shining on me. I turned the key and rolled my window down.

"Ma'am, everything okay?" I heard a deep voice ask. They turned on their light. I noticed flashing red and blues behind me. It was a cop. I looked at my car's clock. 4:12 AM. Did I fall asleep? I thought to myself. "Ma'am?" The officer said again.

"I, uh, I hit a piece of wood in the road and ended up stuck in this ditch," I spoke up. He nodded and opened the door to my car.

"Let me help you out. Are you injured?" He asked, putting his hand out. I shook my head and grabbed his hand. He pulled me out of my car and up onto the road. "I'll call a tow for you and have them bring it to the garage in town."

"That would be awesome," I said, nodding. We walked to the front of his cruiser. He radioed in for a tow truck.

"Officer Swan, but you can call me Nathan," he said, putting his hand out for me to shake it. I grabbed his hand.

"Del," I said, shaking his hand. He smiled. The lights illuminated his features. He was tall with dark hair. I couldn't tell the color of his eyes. His face looked like a Greek God had created it. I smiled back at him.

"So what brings you way out here?" He asked.

"Uh, where exactly is here?" I chuckled, completely clueless.

"You're just outside of Longmont," he smiled. My heart dropped. Fuck, I thought to myself.

"I uh, I'm trying to get to Loveland to see my cousin," I answered. "But I guess that's gonna have to wait," I said slowly, turning to look at my car. I heard him clear his throat.

"Hey, it's kinda cold out here. We can sit in my car until the truck comes," he suggested. I gave him a slight smile and nodded. He opened the passenger door for me, and I slid in. I'd never been in the front of a cop car before, so I was staring at everything.

He got in and closed his computer and moved some stuff around. He grabbed his police jacket and handed it to me. "You can use this."

"Thank you," I said, grabbing it and sliding it on.

We sat and waited for the tow truck. Then, about an hour later, they showed up and grabbed my car.

"Hey, what garage are you taking my car to?" I asked the driver. He finished hooking up my car and looked at me.

"A new garage just opened up in town," he answered. I let out a sigh of relief. Now I just have to figure out what to do now. I turned to Nathan.

"Is there a motel or something outside of Longmont I can stay at?" I asked. He looked at me, confused.

"Uh yeah, there's one right on the outskirts, I believe, but don't you wanna stay close to where your car is going?" He asked. I had to think quickly.

"Places are probably expensive to stay at in town." he nodded his head at me. I looked back at the driver. "Do you mind if I come with you? You can drop me whenever I get service to call a cab or something."

"Sure-" he went to answer, but Nathan cut him off.

"I can bring you somewhere. Grab your bags." I looked at him, surprised.

"Um, okay," I chuckled. I grabbed my backpack out of my car. I left the rest of my stuff cause I'll just get it whenever. I just don't feel like digging right now. I thanked the driver and got back into Nathan's cruiser. He put it in gear and drove.

"Hungry?" He asked me. I smiled slightly.

"A little,"

"I know this place that has great breakfast," he chuckled. I laughed a little and looked at him. "What do ya say?" He asked.

"Um, sure," I answered.
