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I heard a laugh, then the phone disconnected. I fucked up; I thought to myself. I don't even know where they are. The room in the video doesn't look familiar. The phone dinged again, and it was a live video streaming. Carlos hits Del in the face, and she spits at him. Then his crew started undressing her. I can't keep watching. I pushed the phone into Doll and walked away, trying to devise a plan.

"Issac! They're going to kill her!" Doll screamed as she watched. Jay came running to the garage and took the phone from Doll. He looked up at me with anger.

"This is on you, dick head" he spat, and I glared at him.

"Don't even start!" I shouted. "You don't know shit. You only know how to get your cock wet."

"Fuck you," Jay spat, charging me. I pushed him back. The guys came running out and separated us after arguing for 20 minutes.

"Oh my god," Doll said, putting her hand over her mouth. Dolls a tough chick to crack. I've never seen her like this.

"What?!" Jay and I shouted. She handed the phone to me. The live stream ended, but Doll started it 45 seconds before it ended. Carlos held Delilah on the floor, and she was bleeding and bruised. She looked exhausted. Carlos unbuttoned his pants and kneeled. He separated her legs and froze. He started yelling to cut the live stream. He stood up quickly, and that's when it ended. I sat there thinking. What the fuck.

"Mike, take Devin and go to their clubhouse and see if they are there. Jay and I are going to head to their drug house to check it out. " everyone nodded. Mike and Devin jumped into the van and took off. Jay grabbed his keys and ran with me into the clubhouse to grab guns and a few clips. Mike and Dev were already gone. Jay and I jumped into his car and began to leave. Before we could put the vehicle in drive, Doll sprinted to the front of the lot where the garage gate was. Jay and I looked and saw Doll fall to the ground.

"Issac!" she screamed to me. I started running over, and Jay followed. "Call Iris now and tell her we're coming!" I finally saw what she was screaming about as I got to her. It was Delilah. She was unconscious. Her thighs and legs were covered in blood. All I could do was stare at her in terrible condition, and I couldn't hear anything. I came, too, when Jay was digging through my pockets, looking for my phone. He found it and started dialing. I knelt to Delilah, and my aunt covered her lower half with her jacket.

"We'll be there in five," Jay said, hanging up the phone. Doll ran to grab her suburban. We gently loaded Del into the car and sped to the hospital.

Aunt Doll

I leaned against the wall near Delilah's room, waiting for Iris to come out. I was chewing my nails in deep thought. Even though Del has only been around for a few weeks, we've grown pretty close to each other. My thoughts were interrupted by the room door opening and Iris stepping out. She gave me a small smile.

"Is she okay?" I quickly asked. Iris hesitantly nodded her head. I was relieved, but I still knew something was wrong. "What is it?" I asked. Iris took a deep breath.

"She has two fractured ribs, one broken, her nose is broken, and she has a cracked sternum…." she paused, looking into the room window. "And the blood was, unfortunately, a " I froze in place at those words. "Do you know who the father could be?" She asked.

"Fuck, I have no idea," I sighed, trying to wrap my brain around things, and Iris nodded her head.

"When you find out, let me know, and I'll talk to him," Iris said, squeezing my elbow. "She's just waking up, so you can see her in a few."

"Thanks, Ris," I nodded. She walked away and started writing notes on her clipboard. I took a deep breath and looked toward the waiting room. I had an idea of who it could be, but I wasn't 100% sure. I made my way to the waiting room. Once I got there, I noticed all the guys. Issac and Jay shot over to me. Before they could say anything, I spoke up.

"I need to talk to you two… now." they gave me a confused look and followed. Once we got into the hallway, I turned around and took a deep breath. They both waited for me to speak. "Who slept with Delilah?"

Chapter 23

Aunt Doll

"I need an answer," I said, waiting for one of them to speak up. Neither of them spoke up. I looked at Issac, and he shook his head and walked away. I guess that's my answer. Jay looked at me. "Come," I said, returning to Delilah's room. Iris was standing outside of her room again. She looked at me and opened the door, leading us into Delilah's room. She was sitting in the bed with wires and an IV hooked. Her face was bruised, and she had cuts on her cheeks and lip. Iris spoke up.

"Please sit," she said, directing us to chairs. She stood at the end of Delilah's bed. We sat down, and Iris cleared her throat. "Jay, were you aware Delilah was pregnant?" Iris asked. Jay's face turned pale, his eyes wide as he shook his head. Iris nodded and sighed. "Okay," she looked over at me, and I just stared. Jay was frozen in place, and then he finally spoke up.

"How far along was she?" He asked.

"Almost a month," she answered. Jay nodded, putting his elbows on his knees and his head down. "She knows. She woke up about an hour ago. I'm not sure if she knew or not. She just nodded and didn't say anything," Iris continued. We heard someone clear their throat. We looked at Del as she was waking up. She had no emotion on her face. Jay stood up, walking towards her.

"Del," he said, grabbing her hand. She didn't look at him. "I am so sorry, Del," he began. Del tried to talk, but her voice was dry and raspy.

"Get…out," she whispered. We all looked at each other and then back at her. Her eyes filled with tears, and she spoke up again. "Get out," she said louder. She yanked her hand away from Jay and looked around. There was emotion on her face now. She was angry. "Get out!" She barely shouted. Iris walked over to her as the monitor started beeping.

"You guys should go," Iris spoke up, trying to calm Del. I looked at Jay as he was storming out of the room. I chased after.

"Jay! Where are you going?" I shouted at him as he rushed down the hall. He pushed open the emergency exit door at the end of the hall and stopped. He turned around.

"Tell Issac I gotta take care of something," he said, looking at me, then closing the door. I looked around, running my hands through my hair and taking a deep breath.

